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Displaying 49041-49050 of 49079 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
44Introduction threadThanks Caps. Anything you can do is greatly appreciated.Vaporman87Dec 07, 2012View
43Hey Everyone!I had made a mistake and posted my introduction over on another thread. It's Caps 2.0 here...Vaporman87 asked for my help, and I gladly obliged. I hope that, instead of competing with RetroJunk, this site will be seen as a companion to it. As mentioned in my first post, my articles will still be on RetroJunk, but the videos I submit to RetroJunk will also be posted here as well. I'm digging this site, and I hope you all are, too.Caps 2.0Dec 07, 2012View
42Introduction threadHello, everybody. Caps 2.0 here. I hope this evening is treating everyone well. I'll still be writing articles for RetroJunk, but the videos that I post over there, like commercials and trailers, I'll also start posting here as well.Caps 2.0Dec 07, 2012View
41General suggestionsYeah, that is just right in the FAQ, except the extra carriage returns in the middle of the lines. Not sure what other features you want to allow. I'm not too into options for different text color and size, myself. Another small suggestions: Last column where it says who made the last post & when should be labeled. You probably noticed already, but the name of the quoted poster doesn't show in the quote block. Thought I had another one but can't remember it now...shakin steakDec 06, 2012View
40A Christmas Story (1983)I honestly had no clue what Ovaltine was until I first watched this movie. As crazy as it is, when I think of this movie, I think of Ovaltine.DerkDec 06, 2012View
39A Christmas Story (1983)Favorite part is the scene in the department store. Classic.Vaporman87Dec 06, 2012View
38General suggestionsYes, an edit button has been requested and will hopefully be implemented sometime tomorrow.Vaporman87Dec 06, 2012View
37General suggestionsThe tags showed up in the Admin Panel. I placed them in the FAQ section. Could you see if everything looks correct there? Edit: Ooops! Some code for BOLD got placed in there somehow. It looks like it's correct now. Vaporman87Dec 06, 2012View
35General suggestionsBah, it took out the tags...is an edit button coming? <blockquote rel="Vaporman87">Germans were clamoring for Duck Tales? </blockquote> Heck yeah they were! Check out the <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRqjsms1PGI">German He-Man intro</a> There is nothing quite like hearing "I have the power!" in German.shakin steakDec 06, 2012View
34General suggestionsYup. Everything is showing up as you described.Vaporman87Dec 06, 2012View