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Displaying 48861-48870 of 49044 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
195Proposed Update Package for the siteI don't know if this is a concern but it's something I've noticed and maybe you want to get it in this update. The thread view counter doesn't count only unique views. From the forum index, a thread has 25 views. If I click on the thread once, it goes to 26, even though I have viewed the thread before. If I click on the thread five times in a row, it goes to 30. The counter also increases every time I refresh the page.shakin steakDec 14, 2012View
194A Clockwork OrangeThere was a Clockwork Orange reference in an old Simpsons episode called "Duffless".Mr MagicDec 14, 2012View
193A Clockwork Orangei've only read the book, but i might rent the movie. i remember hearing about a couple of references to it in the game conker's bad fur dayBenjanimeDec 14, 2012View
192Defunct Restaurant ChainsI think we had a Burger Chef here in town years back.Mr MagicDec 14, 2012View
191A Clockwork OrangeYou should. You might like it.Mr MagicDec 14, 2012View
190If you could create your own cereal...It would definitively have tiny marshmallows in it! jprc10Dec 14, 2012View
189A Clockwork OrangeTo be honest I haven't seen this movie yet, but I want to.jprc10Dec 14, 2012View
188General suggestions@thecrow174 It would be necessary if the site became large enough that two Admins could not manage everything. Currently, there is no way to assign anyone a role of "moderator", as the forum admin functions and site admin functions are all accessed through the same panel. That could be changed through a future update though.Vaporman87Dec 14, 2012View
187Forgotten Christmas Specials: Christmas Every Day <a href="">Part 1</a> <a href="">Part 2</a> You have to use HTML tags. There's a section about it in the FAQ.blueluigiDec 14, 2012View
186Forgotten Christmas Specials: Christmas Every Day Complete with 80s commercials. part 1 [url][/url] part 2 [url][/url] not sure how to make links clickable on here. pikachuloverDec 13, 2012View