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MTV: The 90's


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Displaying 48691-48700 of 49044 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
370The Terminator 2: Judgment DayI don't get why people disliked T3 either. It was fine just the way it was. I think the fact that Linda Hamilton and Edward Furlong wasn't in it ticked them off.Mr MagicJan 08, 2013View
369First video game you played completely throughMortal Kombat II. jprc10Jan 08, 2013View
368The Terminator 2: Judgment DayOne of my favorite action movies of all time. I was also impressed by the special effects and I loved the fights between the Terminators. T3 was also very good, I don't know why many people didn't like it. T Salvation on the other hand, sucked big time. jprc10Jan 08, 2013View
367First video game you played completely throughducktales for Nintendo is the first game I beat.The Ronin IdentityJan 08, 2013View
366First video game you played completely throughkirby's dreamland. i've never beaten on the extra mode though...BenjanimeJan 08, 2013View
365Movie characters you relate toGoing to say Napoleon Dynamite. But I'm not sure why. LOLVaporman87Jan 08, 2013View
364The Terminator 2: Judgment DayI can remember being simply blown away by the effects. Then T3 blew me away with all the destruction.Vaporman87Jan 08, 2013View
363GreaseShe did look good, didn't she?Mr MagicJan 07, 2013View
362First movie you watched in theatersThe earliest memory I have of a movie watched in theaters is Jurassic Park in 1993. I probably watched some movies before that, but I just don't remember. jprc10Jan 07, 2013View
361GreaseI liked this musical, some of the songs were really catchy. Olivia Newton-John was pretty hot too. jprc10Jan 07, 2013View