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Displaying 40771-40780 of 48962 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
8684How was your day?I hope she'll be alright. I'll pray for her.<br>Mr MagicJun 03, 2014View
8683How was your day?Yesterday I had to come home early. My wife had been having pressure in her right ear and while making the kids food she became extremely dizzy and disoriented, to the point that any minor head movement made her feel as though she was going to vomit. After resting for the remainder of the day and into the evening the feeling became less severe. She is still a bit dizzy today, so we are at her doctor now getting her checked out. If you're a praying person, please do so. In all likelihood, it's something like Labrynthititus (sp?), but you never know.Vaporman87Jun 03, 2014View
8682Things you don't like about this era.I fail to see what that question has to do with the job itself.<br><br>Unless it's an environmental job.<br>Mr MagicJun 03, 2014View
8681Video games based on movies.I had the same problem on Genesis. I just kept using different button combinations.<br>Mr MagicJun 03, 2014View
8680Video games based on movies.<img style="width: 276px; height: 295px;" src="/images/postImages/1401801437batmangamegear.jpg"><br><br>this game had poor control on the snes, and on the game gear it's even more of a mess. i was on the first level for more than an hour just trying to figure out how to use the grappling hook to move up to the next floor of the building i was in<br>BenjanimeJun 03, 2014View
8679Video games based on movies.I think that's an old military tactic. To come out of the ground like that.<br>Mr MagicJun 03, 2014View
8678Things you don't like about this era.Job interviews/applications that ask ridiculous questions like "If you were a tree what kind of a tree would you be and why?"<br><br><br>pikachuloverJun 03, 2014View
8677Video games based on movies.Haha yeah he is supposed to be. There are guys that pop out of gopher holes and the only way to hurt em is to jump kick em or to throw something at them.&nbsp;echidna64Jun 03, 2014View
8676Video games based on movies.There's a man coming out of the ground! <img src="">Mr MagicJun 02, 2014View
8675Video games based on movies.Lethal Weapon is really fun!<br><br><img style="width: 474px; height: 238px;" src="/images/postImages/1401746063Topless-Men-LEthal-Weapon.png"><br>echidna64Jun 02, 2014View