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Displaying 40561-40570 of 49049 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
8986Suddenly Summer Article ContestAw thank you so much guys! It's great to be part of such an awesome community where we can discuss things like Darkwing Duck fanny packs and memories from our childhood all in one place! <br><br>I was definitely sweating it during the last week of the contest, it felt like I was reliving that day at the kid's race. <br><br>Thank you for sharing your summer memories with all of us! This was a lot of fun!&nbsp; <br><br><br><br>&nbsp;<br><br><br>echidna64Jun 17, 2014View
8985How was your day?Yesterday was my youngest son's actual birthday, so we did what he wanted to do, which was stay home and goof off mostly. :D<br><br>In the evening, I finally opened the gift my wife had purchased me for Father's Day...<br><br><img style="width: 277px; height: 277px;" src="/images/postImages/1403022694Audio Technica Record Player.png"><br><br>An Audio Technica belt drive record player. I had wanted a record player for quite some time, but just never got around to actually ordering one. I got it all together and connected to my surround sound system, but by the time this was completed, everyone but me and my youngest son had gone to sleep. I slipped out my He-Man and Gremlins records that have sat dormant and unused for almost 30 years. <br><br><img style="width: 405px; height: 269px;" src="/images/postImages/1403022870Gremlins Read Alongs.png"><img src="/images/postImages/1403022884Power of Point Dread.png"><br><br>I showed my now four year old boy how you place the record on the table and which button started the fun. He took the instruction well, and in seconds... I began to hear the exact sounds I hadn't heard since my preteens. It was a surreal moment full of nostalgic delight. <br><br>Here I was, some three decades on with my life, finally hearing these voices and sounds... and with my birthday boy. Everything played well, for the most part. A few skips here and there, but it didn't matter. We sat listening to the stories and turning the pages on cue. He loved it, and so did I. I'll never forget it. :'(<br>Vaporman87Jun 17, 2014View
8984Suddenly Summer Article ContestRight on Chids! I was rooting for your piece. Thanks also to Rose and Tony for runner up nod. I'll have to read echidna's article again, seeing as I can really identify with it now <img src="">vkimoJun 17, 2014View
8983Suddenly Summer Article ContestYou the man, echidna!<br>Mr MagicJun 17, 2014View
8982Miss USA forgets capital of home state.Is it just me, or are these Miss USA (and the like) contests just stupid? Really though... who would want to win a "beauty" contest? It seems really counterproductive to society and trying to get away from the beauty culture and just be happy with ourselves. <br>Vaporman87Jun 17, 2014View
8981Suddenly Summer Article ContestCongratulations echidna64!&nbsp; Great job!<br>shakin steakJun 17, 2014View
8980Suddenly Summer Article ContestWell, I have to thank all of you for pouring your heart and effort in to what turned out to be probably the best article contest yet. So many great and fun stories came from this, and that is what it is all about!<br><br>And now for our winner... well, I'll simply paste the message as it was sent to me by Rose and Tony Ward, our guest judge(s)...<br><br><span style="font-style: italic;">Okay, we have read over all the articles. They were all fantastic to read, but our favorite would have to be <span style="font-weight: bold;">"The Best Day Ever"</span> by echidna64. We thought it perfectly captured the essence of summer, and managed to work in a heartfelt story as well.<br clear="none"> <br clear="none">Our runner-up would have to be "In the Summer Time" by vkimo. We found it very humorous and loved all the random imagery! </span><br><br>There you have it! <br><br>A big congrats to echidna for the win, his first here at RD! <br>Vaporman87Jun 17, 2014View
8979Mario Kart 8<iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe><br><br>"the DREADED! EVIL! EYE!"<br><br>(groan)<br>BenjanimeJun 17, 2014View
8978Retrojunk down?Back to normal now. I figured it would be up before the day was through.<br>Vaporman87Jun 17, 2014View
8977Retrojunk down?I was able to make a post.<br>Mr MagicJun 16, 2014View