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Displaying 39361-39370 of 49049 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
102051997 moviesJust to get the obvious out of the way<br><br><img src="/images/postImages/1406922128Titanic_poster.jpg">ThatDudeintheHoodieAug 01, 2014View
10204How was your day?<img src="/images/postImages/14069105795cb3334995955e543468f05669fdd056.jpg">Mr MagicAug 01, 2014View
10203Steven Spielberg is thinking about producing another Jurassic ParkSo there will be dinosaurs everywhere, instead of just one location?<br>Mr MagicAug 01, 2014View
10202Guardians of the GalaxyGlad you enjoyed it, tdith.<br>Mr MagicAug 01, 2014View
10201How was your day?No problem. Friends have been asking about spoilers and I refuse to give them spoilers. I never do that unless I enjoyed a movie alot.<br>ThatDudeintheHoodieAug 01, 2014View
10200Guardians of the GalaxyI know I said this on a different thread I'll just post what I said there on here just in case no one sees it on the thread I put it on. <br><br> <div class="post-content"> Saw Guardians of the Galaxy. I loved it. It's truly a fun movie. Though if you have little kids I'd recommend you get a babysitter cause this takes full advantage of the PG-13 rating and even skirts around from getting a R rating with messing with the censors kind of like how Rocko's modern life did. But for older kids near that 13 age range I'd say take em to see it. Some of the jokes will go over their heads. But the jokes were written and acted beautify. The action was great. They went more of an action comedy route for it. Also there are 2 after credit scenes I highly recommend you stay for them both. The last one has me in tears from laughing so hard. </div><br>ThatDudeintheHoodieAug 01, 2014View
10199Guardians of the Galaxy<img src="/images/postImages/1406908372guardians-of-the-galaxy-rocket-raccoon2.jpg" height="799" width="698"><br><br>An armed raccoon, ftw.<br>Mr MagicAug 01, 2014View
10197Who's your favorite product mascot?The Honey Nut Cheerios bee.<br><br><img style="width: 640px; height: 480px;" src="/images/postImages/1406907611T9lY1LH.jpg"><br><br><img style="width: 480px; height: 360px;" src="/images/postImages/14069076990.jpg"><br>Mr MagicAug 01, 2014View
10196How was your day?Sounds awesome TDitH. Thanks for the info!<br>Vaporman87Aug 01, 2014View
10195How was your day?Saw Guardians of the Galaxy. I loved it. It's truly a fun movie. Though if you have little kids I'd recommend you get a babysitter cause this takes full advantage of the PG-13 rating and even skirts around from getting a R rating with messing with the censors kind of like how Rocko's modern life did. But for older kids near that 13 age range I'd say take em to see it. Some of the jokes will go over their heads. But the jokes were written and acted beautify. The action was great. They went more of an action comedy route for it. Also there are 2 after credit scenes I highly recommend you stay for them both. The last one has me in tears from laughing so hard. <br>ThatDudeintheHoodieAug 01, 2014View