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Displaying 39201-39210 of 49049 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
10365Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movieI hated that running gag. The only good scene I liked was the elevator scene. This is the perfect case of the trailer showing too much.<br>ThatDudeintheHoodieAug 09, 2014View
10364Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles moviethere's a few plotholes, a running gag with mikey hitting on april and megan fox having more wooden acting. the only charming thing about it was a ten minute fight with shredder, compared to the original two live action movies that just had him like less than a minute in for a final battle<br>BenjanimeAug 09, 2014View
10363Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movieNo it wasn't in my opinion. Honestly the way I put movies I hate and never want to see again I say this....... I'd rather see Equestria Girls (The Worst movie I have ever seen) Over the new TMNT movie. Yeah I hate the movie that much. I was not entertained with it at all. Even when I had Bay movie expectations it sucked.<br>ThatDudeintheHoodieAug 09, 2014View
10362Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movieWas it better than the 2007 movie at least?<br>Mr MagicAug 09, 2014View
10361Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movieI saw the movie......... Skip it just skip it. I had the regular Bay expectations and it failed that. I won't say what I had a problem with until later since there are people here that want to probably see it.<br>ThatDudeintheHoodieAug 09, 2014View
10360Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movieJudith "April O'neil" Hoag has popped up <a href="">in this piece on Yahoo!</a> with some interesting tidbits on the 1990 movie's filming. She's still my favorite April. <br><br><img src="/images/postImages/140755893395c14620c5015e3e8b73f0357321a0f310c6cd87.jpg"><br>Vaporman87Aug 09, 2014View
10359Virtual Console ThursdaysWell, we got some good releases this week for August 7, 2014. Here we go:<br><br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">Wii U Virtual Console:<br><br></span>Super Mario Kart (SNES)<br>$7.99<br><img src=""><br><br>Cybernator<br>$7.99<br><img src=""><br><br>Mega Man 5<br>$4.99<br><i><img src=""><br><br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;"></span></i><span style="font-weight: bold;">3DS Virtual Console:<br><br><br></span>The Mysterious Murasame Castle (Famicom)<br>$4.99<br><img width="300" height="300" src=""><br><br><br>Super Mario Kart was actually released on Wednesday, following the announcement of the August 27th release of the Mercades-Benz DLC in Mario Kart 8 as well as an update to the game that fixes simple little things to the title. I hope this includes a better battle mode, because if there's one thing Nintendo fucked up on in Mario Kart 8... the battle mode is it. As for Super Mario Kart, I played that game recently... and as much as people might disagree... I didn't think it aged very well. Yes, I do acknowledge the fact that it's the first game in the series, and without it, we wouldn't have the Mario Kart titles we all know and love, but SMK's racing was just frustratingly difficult... and that's really due to the fact that the controls feel very slippery. It's even more frustrating when you fall, because if you end up in last place, then there's almost no chance for you to catch up. <br><br>MegAugust continues with Mega Man 5 on the NES, which I assume that Mega Man 6 will follow afterwards. I said it before and I'll say it again... Mega Man 5 was my least favorite in the NES Mega Man titles. The difficulty was way too easy. Every single robot master can easily get taken out with your Mega Buster, and they also ruined Rush by turning him into a spring.<br><br>However, the biggest highlight of this week would have to be the release of The Mysterious Murasame Castle. For those who don't know, this game is a Japan only Famicom Disc System title. Much like how Kid Icarus uses the Metroid engline, The Mysterious Murasame Castle uses The Legend of Zelda engine. This week's Virtual Console release on the 3DS marks the first time ever that this game FINALLY gets a release outside of Japan. Nintendo announced they were going to be bringing this game to North America during Comic Con... and now, it's here.<br><br>Shortly after the Comic Con announcement of The Mysterious Murasame Castle, it was also announced that Takamaru, the main character of the game, is going to be an assist trophy in the new Super Smash Bros game. Before that, he was only a sticker in Brawl. The game has also had cameos and references in games such as Pikmin 2 and Samurai Warriors 3, as well as some Japan only cameos in Nintendo games. It was also featured in Nintendo Land under Takamaru's Ninja Castle.<br>blueluigiAug 08, 2014View
10358OreosI'd never eat the cappuccino flavored chips. I don't like coffee much anyway. I don't know why they are making a big deal about the wasabi flavor. There used to be wasabi flavored Funyuns. I never tried them though.&nbsp;<div><br></div>pikachuloverAug 08, 2014View
10357OreosI have my doubts about the bacon and cappuccino chips. <br>Mr MagicAug 08, 2014View
10356How was your day?I recently finished a commercial for my friend's band Velcro Lewis Group.&nbsp; It's super retroVHS style.&nbsp; The music is heavy psych rock so if you like that kind of thing <a href="">check 'em out</a>.<br><br>Here's the commercial.<br><br><br><iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="320" width="480"></iframe>shakin steakAug 08, 2014View