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Displaying 38591-38600 of 48968 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
10905RetroDaze Goodie PacksMy pleasure my friend!<br><br>Just a a side note for you shakin... I had considered making one of the items in the box a "replica" of the infamous lost bouncy ball. <br><br>:lol:<br>Vaporman87Sep 02, 2014View
10904RetroDaze Halloween SpecialOkay... I have a few really awesome things planned for the Holiday season here, and I really want to keep a lid on them as long as possible. <br><br>But... <br><br>...this one in particular just can't wait. <br><br><a href="">Larry Kenney</a> is a friggin' awesome guy. <span style="font-weight: bold;">I mean FRIGGIN' AWESOME!</span> Not only has he agreed to supply voice over work for a bonus scene I'm adding to the <span style="font-style: italic;">Halloween Special</span> this year, but also to the <span style="font-style: italic;">Christmas Special</span>... and for <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">FREE</span></span>... and he's sending it to me <span style="font-weight: bold;">TONIGHT!!!</span><br><br><font size="3"><span style="font-weight: bold;">I love this man! He's just incredible. </span><br></font><br>In case your wondering... <span style="font-weight: bold;">yes</span>. He will be reprising his role as <a href=""><span style="font-weight: bold;">Lion-O</span></a> from the 80's Thundercats show (except in Dutch and Hamato's world - as you may already know - everyone is a ninja, including Lion-O... so he's gonna look a bit different). <br><br><img src="/images/postImages/1409683266Lion-O.png"><br><br>Have I said I love Larry Kenney yet... because I do.<br><br>:bot:<br><br>Some facts about Larry I didn't know...<br><br>He provided voice work for SilverHawks, Count Chocula, and Sonny The Cuckoo Bird. <br>Vaporman87Sep 02, 2014View
10903How was your day?We didn't do much yesterday. Just had burgers and chips.<br>Mr MagicSep 02, 2014View
10902RetroDaze Goodie PacksWell, my box arrived on Friday. I didn't even order one! Mainly because I have a mail slot that anything much bigger than a magazine won't fit through. Fortunately, I worked 12 hour days at a music festival this weekend, so I was not at my office job on Friday and happened to be at home when the mailman came by. <br><br>Besides the music fest, I went to a birthday party on Friday night, a wedding anniversary party on Saturday night, and the aftermath of a new wedding on Sunday night, at the farm. Yesterday I took my cat to the vet, then back to the farm all day for leftovers party. <br><br>Today I'm back in the real world...&nbsp; <img src="">&nbsp; But at least I'll have time after work to go through the box and actually check out all this stuff. Thanks Vaporman!<br>shakin steakSep 02, 2014View
10901How was your day?Listened to music, Played a few games and relaxed. That was my labor day.<br>ThatDudeintheHoodieSep 02, 2014View
10900How was your day?@crow: Very terribly. :lol:<br><br>Yesterday (Labor Day) we visited some family friends for some hot dogs, homemade sauce, and other goodies. Mmmm. <br>Vaporman87Sep 02, 2014View
10899FallI have been seeing an increase in leaves falling from the trees. Especially a few days ago while mowing. Hopefully the weather stays nice enough that the potatoes I planted late in Summer make it to a decent size.<br>Vaporman87Sep 02, 2014View
10898TV Theme Songs<iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe><br><br>A great and well animated intro. <br><br>I'm gonna sneak this little tidbit into this thread...<br><br>Take a guess which of these mighty cat warriors will be making a "bonus scene" appearance in both the Halloween and Christmas D&amp;H specials... voice and all?<br>Vaporman87Sep 02, 2014View
10897TV Theme Songs<br><iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>Mr MagicSep 02, 2014View
10896FallI'll officially say it's fall when the highs are in the low 80s for a week.<br>ThatDudeintheHoodieSep 02, 2014View