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Displaying 38231-38240 of 49049 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
11359Full House A very funny moment. Jesse receives the news on Becky's pregnancy. Or so everyone THOUGHT he did.<br><br><br><iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" height="360" width="640" frameborder="0"></iframe>Mr MagicSep 15, 2014View
11358New Atlanta Braves and Falcons stadiums.The 9ers got spanked in their shiny new stadium.<br>vkimoSep 15, 2014View
11357Halloween Nostalgia & More!One of my horror film theme picks:<br><br><br><iframe width="640" height="360" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>Mr MagicSep 15, 2014View
11356Random Pictures Thread<img style="width: 389px; height: 318px;" src="/images/postImages/1410783992puf.jpg">Mr MagicSep 15, 2014View
11355New Atlanta Braves and Falcons stadiums.<blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>Vaporman87 wrote :</b><br><i> They'll need a new stadium after the <a href=";tab=recap">Bengals went in there</a> and brought the house down on the Falcons. <img src="/images/smilies/MavEvil.gif"><br> </i><b>-end quote<br><br></b>Cincy got lucky.<b><br><br></b>Seriously, the better team won.<b><br></b></blockquote><br><br>Mr MagicSep 15, 2014View
11354New Atlanta Braves and Falcons stadiums.They need to build a stadium in LA to lure a football team over here. But they should not build it by the Staples Center there is no parking there already. It should be in the suburbs. <br>pikachuloverSep 15, 2014View
11353Virtual Console ThursdaysWell, Super Smash Bros is the type of game where you really got to mash the buttons and move the hell out of the joystick. This could be too much for the 3DS to handle. Maybe when the New 3DS comes out, they might make it more stable.<br>blueluigiSep 15, 2014View
11352Random Pictures Thread<iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" height="315" width="420" frameborder="0"></iframe><br><br>with robert stack doing the voice of ultra magnus in the transformers movie, it's no surprise seeing someone spoofing unsolved mysteries<br>BenjanimeSep 15, 2014View
11351How was your day?@Vaporman87: she thanked me many times over with a forehead kiss :lol: and i'm glad you think so!<br><br>@TDitH: yeah, one of the users that replied to the post said that he ran a proxy check on his computer and it is indeed a serverside problem, so i guess i've gotta wait it out<br>BenjanimeSep 15, 2014View
11350Halloween Nostalgia & More!I swiped this from my old and now defunct blog. It's appropriate for this time of year. :) It's a top ten list of the <span style="font-weight: bold;">most foreboding themes from television and movies</span>.<br><br><div class="paragraph" style=" text-align: left; "><font size="3"><font color="#cc0000"><strong><em>Aliens</em> Theme by James Horner<br><br><u><em>10</em></u></strong>&nbsp;</font></font>&nbsp; James Horner has composed no fewer than 100&nbsp;film scores&nbsp;in his lifetime, ranging from light-hearted children's favorites, to adult comedy.&nbsp;Not to mention his melodies grace the soundtracks of filmdom's most prolific money&nbsp;makers (<em>Titanic</em> &lt;--- EWW! and <em>Avatar</em> &lt;--- BLECH!). But his most ominous composition is undoubtedly his theme for James Cameron's <em>Aliens</em> film. Replete with all the bone chilling tones one could ask for, Horner makes certain the viewer is well aware that&nbsp;the adventure&nbsp;he or she is about to embark on WILL induce temporary incontinence many times over.<br><br><strong><u>Fun James Horner Fact:</u></strong>&nbsp;James cut his teeth scoring films for B movie director,&nbsp;Roger Corman. <br><br><iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" height="315" width="420" frameborder="0"></iframe>&nbsp; <br><br><strong><font size="3" color="#cc0000"><em>The Black Hole</em> Theme by John Barry<br><br><u>9</u></font></strong>&nbsp;&nbsp; If you were to compare the virtues of John Barry's work on <em>The Black Hole</em> and say. . . um. . . . <em>Howard&nbsp;the Duck</em>&nbsp;(I don't have the words worthy enough of the verbal defecation that movie deserves), you would begin to truly appreciate his ability to tap into the spirit of the films he scores. <em>The Black Hole</em> is a rare Disney jewel, not only because the film drifts into very dark themes at times, but because the&nbsp;sounds concocted by the genius Barry give the audience an equal sense of scope, and dread. The sweeping brass tones are unnervingly brilliant. The&nbsp;music&nbsp;may not give that&nbsp;sense of something greatly sinister&nbsp;that some require, but&nbsp;there is little room for doubt that&nbsp;a minatory force will soon be revealed. Then&nbsp;again, few things are as terrifying as&nbsp;watching Howard the Duck.&nbsp;This is a nice try though.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br><u><strong>Fun John Barry Fact:</strong></u>&nbsp;Barry remains steadfast in proclaiming that he, not Monty Norman,&nbsp;is responsible for the arrangement of the famous James Bond 007 theme song.<br><br><iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" height="315" width="560" frameborder="0"></iframe><span><font color="#cc0000"><strong><font size="3"><em><br><br>The Mothman Prophecies</em>&nbsp;First Movement&nbsp;by Tomandandy<br><br><u>8</u></font></strong>&nbsp;</font>&nbsp; It is safe to say that 2002's <em>The Mothman Prophecies </em>was a fairly forgettable film, save for a few chilling moments interspersed among the lengthy chunks of exposition and rural imagery. That isn't to say it was BAD. It simply fell short. What didn't fall short was the crafting of the film's eerie score by the team of Tom Hajdu and Andy Milburn (affectionately known as Tomandandy). The theme, or in this case, the first movement, begins with a pop beat of sorts. I can only think to describe it as <em><span id="lw_1287464623_2" class="yshortcuts">Silent Hill</span></em> meets Harry Gregson-Williams in a bad mood. From there, the composers ease you into a repeating theme, in this&nbsp;instance played out with the use&nbsp;of spooky piano strokes and low bass tones. Next, a bit of upbeat, "Hey, maybe things are going to be okay" moves, and then back into the <span id="lw_1287464623_4" class="yshortcuts">grim reality</span>, full force. Together, this opening&nbsp;configuration of arrangements sets the tone nicely. Being a child of&nbsp;Appalachia myself, I was quite familiar with the stories of the Mothman and the odd events that occurred whilst the creature "terrorized" locals. Events that finally culminated in the collapse of the <span id="lw_1287464623_5" class="yshortcuts">Silver Bridge</span>, and many deaths.&nbsp;But if you really want&nbsp;to see&nbsp;a movie that more accurately&nbsp;presents the&nbsp;things you should fear most about that area, I suggest <em><span id="lw_1287464623_6" class="yshortcuts">Deliverance</span></em>.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br><br><strong><u>Fun Tomandandy Fact:</u></strong> Tom &amp; Andy are also quite deft at developing mobile applications.<br><br>&nbsp; <iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" height="315" width="420" frameborder="0"></iframe><br><strong><font size="3" color="#cc0000"><em><br>Godzilla GMK</em> Theme by Kow Otani<br><br><u>7</u></font></strong>&nbsp;&nbsp; I don't disguise my affection for all things&nbsp;Godzilla. So it would be logical for someone to accuse me of bias&nbsp;for placing a track from a Godzilla film in this Top 10 countdown. But my defense against this accusation is simple: Have you listened to the arrangement? Kow Otani went against the grain when he composed the theme for the 2001 romp, Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All Out Attack (or more reliably known as GMK). Prior Godzilla films had fed the public a steady dose of the same march we as fans had come to expect. But Otani was not satisfied with that one bit.&nbsp;The resultant sequence of synthesized tones and booming horns make it undeniable from the start, that this film will not be like those MST3K&nbsp;lampooned&nbsp;children's outings you watched on late night television. And deservedly so. This film portrays Godzilla throughout as an absolutely <span id="lw_1287464623_8" class="yshortcuts">evil death machine</span>. A ghostly zombie of a beast, bent on making man pay for&nbsp;his sins. It is a real classic, not to be missed. No, I have not yielded to the fanboy in me with this selection. Bah! Well, maybe a little. I LOVE GODZILLA. There. Are you happy? LOVE! Love. Okay, moving on.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br><br></span><span><span><strong><u>Fun Kow Otani Fact:</u></strong> He's from Japan. Japan&nbsp;IS fun.<br><br></span><iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" height="315" width="420" frameborder="0"></iframe><strong></strong><br><br><font size="3" color="#cc0000"><strong><em>Tales From The Darkside</em> Theme by Donald Rubenstein<br><br><u>6</u></strong></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;George Romero is widely known as the father of zombie movies. Occasionally however,&nbsp;Mr. Romero has ventured into other territory to produce&nbsp;quality entertainment in&nbsp;different forms of&nbsp;media. One such venture&nbsp;was the 80's&nbsp;weekly television program, <em>Tales From&nbsp;The Darkside</em>. The project's genesis was the&nbsp;concept of creating a&nbsp;weekly television&nbsp;rendition of Romero's cult&nbsp;horror anthology&nbsp;film, <em>Creepshow</em>. When selecting a composer to score the opening sequence for the series, Romero chose&nbsp;a familiar&nbsp;face in Donald Rubinstein. Rubenstein&nbsp;arranged a simple yet&nbsp;chilling composition with the help of Eric Lindsay, which adequately&nbsp;caused&nbsp;the viewer to be sticken with the&nbsp;requisite amount of goosebumps. The series&nbsp;enjoyed moderate success, and confirmed to the entertainment industry that Romero&nbsp;was more than just a zombie film guy.&nbsp;Itchy. Tasty.<br><br><strong><u>Fun Donald Rubenstein Fact</u></strong>:&nbsp;Rubenstein&nbsp;was only 26 when he began working with George Romero.<br><br><iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" height="315" width="560" frameborder="0"></iframe><strong><font size="3" color="#cc0000"><em><br><br>Dante's Peak</em> Theme by James Newton Howard<br><br><u>5</u></font></strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm not inclined to pan the film&nbsp;<em>Dante's Peak</em> as most would, simply discarding it as mindless catastrophe movie drivel. When I first saw the film, and after subsequent viewings, I remained entertained by it. Given that, we should at least be able to reach a consensus regarding the opening theme music composed by James Newton Howard. This lofty arrangement truly gives weight to the threat of mother nature soon to come. So even if you are not particularly interested in watching <em>James Bond</em> and <em>Sarah Conner</em> take on&nbsp;pyroclastic clouds&nbsp;in what will become a modern day American Pompei, at least lend an ear to the excellent opening theme.<br>&nbsp;<br><u><strong>Fun James Newton Howard Fact:</strong></u>&nbsp;Howard has scored every M. Night Shyamalan film to date. Or. . . has he?<br><br><iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" height="315" width="560" frameborder="0"></iframe><strong><font size="3" color="#cc0000"><em><br><br>Poltergeist</em> Theme by Jerry Goldsmith<br><br><u>4</u></font></strong>&nbsp;&nbsp; As a fan of the television series <em>Parenthood</em>, I am made even more aware of how&nbsp;adept Craig T. Nelson is at playing the family patriarch. As far back as 1982, Mr. Nelson was playing that very role in what would become a horror classic. . . <em>Poltergeist.</em> The late Jerry Goldsmith would be brought in to add some hefty unease with an eerie theme for the project. Goldsmith is a legend many times over, having created musical gold for hundreds of films in his lifetime. It could be said that Goldsmith was a patriarch of sorts himself. I doubt he could be so convincing as a goofball coach or over-the-hill superhero though.<br>&nbsp;<br><strong><u>Fun Jerry Goldsmith Fact:</u></strong> Jerry composed the theme for <em>Star Trek: The Motion Picture</em>, which eventually became the theme for the <em>Star Trek: The Next Generation</em> television series. Loved by Trekkies everywhere.<br><br><iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" height="315" width="560" frameborder="0"></iframe><font size="3" color="#cc0000"><strong><em><br><br>Jaws</em> Theme by John Williams<br><br><u>3</u></strong></font>&nbsp;&nbsp; Now we're getting down to the nitty-gritty, as they say. And this Top 10 just wouldn't be complete without SOMETHING from the legendary John Williams. Williams has composed music for some of the film industry's most beloved productions. But there is no room for argument when specifying his most foreboding track. The theme from <em>Jaws</em> deserves this spot rightfully. It is so efficient at delivering a heart pounding sensation that few in America are unfamiliar with it. I won't waste any more time commenting on this one. You and I both know, it belongs here.<br><br><strong><u>Fun John Williams Fact:</u></strong> Williams has laid down the music for all but two of Steven Spielberg's movies.<br><br><iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" height="315" width="560" frameborder="0"></iframe><strong><font size="3" color="#cc0000"><em><br><br>Halloween</em> Theme by John Carpenter<br><br><u>2</u></font></strong><u>&nbsp;</u>&nbsp; John Carpenter is a bit of an oddity. Not only has he been a prolific director in his entertainment career, but he has also composed the music for several of his films. Quite honestly, his soundtracks are usually dreck. Not so for number 2 on our countdown. The theme from Carpenter's legendary horror film <em>Halloween </em>still today gives the listener a substantial case of fright. Every Halloween it is a foregone conclusion that you WILL hear it, somewhere. . . at some point. What is so perplexing to me, is how something so simplistic, can be so effective. It is itself a case study in "less is more". By which I mean, the <u>less</u> I hear of it, the <u>more</u> likely I am to NOT suffer cardiac arrest.<br><br><strong><u>Fun John Carpenter Fact:</u></strong>&nbsp; John was offered the directing duties for Santa Clause: The Movie, but his demands for doing so were so unreasonable that he did not get the job.<br><br><iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" height="315" width="420" frameborder="0"></iframe><font size="3" color="#cc0000"><strong><em><br><br>Unsolved Mysteries</em> Theme by Michael Boyd and Gary Malkin<br><br><u>1</u></strong></font>&nbsp;&nbsp; I'll probably receive a great deal of contention for this choice, but it can't be helped. No other composition has given me that unsettling feeling like the theme for the popular NBC television series, Unsolved Mysteries. Maybe it is attributable to being aware of the fact that the stories following the fear-inducing opening theme were representations of real events experienced by real people. Michael Boyd and Gary Remal Malkin created the eerie score, and when in combination with Robert Stack's imposing voice as host, little audio sensation exists that is capable of creating a deeper sense of forebode. The real unsolved mystery is how anyone could disagree with this being number one on the list.<br><br><strong><u>Fun Unsolved Mysteries Fact:</u></strong> Raymond Burr was the original host of the series. No, Godzilla did not co-host with him at any point.</span></div><br><iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" height="315" width="560" frameborder="0"></iframe>Vaporman87Sep 15, 2014View