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Displaying 38131-38140 of 48962 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
11372How was your day?Other than submit my October article early I've been working on fanfiction and November's article.<br>ThatDudeintheHoodieSep 15, 2014View
11371How was your day?<blockquote rel="Benjanime"><b>Benjanime wrote :</b><br><i> thanks crow <img src="/images/smilies/MavSmile.gif"> hopefully it may just be an issue from the server. other than that i chanced upon visiting my grandma today and cut her lawn since the grass was getting a little too high. she didn't have much to make for a meal so I just went to a farmer's market and brought some grapes and watermelons over<br> </i><b>-end quote<br><br></b>You're quite a gentleman, Ben.<b><br><br></b>My grandmother was getting some surgery done today, so we had to wait at the hospital.<b><br></b></blockquote><br><br>Mr MagicSep 15, 2014View
11370Halloween Article Contest 2014Well I decided to submit my Halloween article early since it was done and felt I should give you guys an early treat.<br>ThatDudeintheHoodieSep 15, 2014View
11369Surge is making a comeback<blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>Vaporman87 wrote :</b><br><i> What's next... Crystal Pepsi and New Coke?<br><br>What about Jolt?<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>Or how about Vault?<br><br>The Surge knockoff. XD<br><br><br>Mr MagicSep 15, 2014View
11368Halloween Article Contest 2014Hey guys..I'm new. Also old. Possibly naive. How would one submit to an awesome contest such as this? Thanks in advance! -DG<br>fuschniktSep 15, 2014View
11367FallOne of my friends tried the pumpkin Oreos and the way he described it was like biting into a Yankee Candle. <br>ThatDudeintheHoodieSep 15, 2014View
11366FallExactly. They turn so quickly afterward. These were absolutely the real deal though. I'm just thinking that it's likely some kids or grandkids just could not wait to have their way with them. :lol:<br>Vaporman87Sep 15, 2014View
11365FallAre you sure the pumpkins were real? You know they sell those realistic looking fake carved ones. I remember on year my friends carved their pumpkins in early October and it got all slimey in like a week.&nbsp;pikachuloverSep 15, 2014View
11364Surge is making a comebackMatt at <a href="">DinoDrac</a> has been on a personal crusade to make Ecto Coolers available again. :lol: I think he would lose his mind if that happened.<br>Vaporman87Sep 15, 2014View
11363Surge is making a comebackKool-Aid brought back Sharkleberry Fin recently. Found it at Walmart. I'm hoping they bring back Ecto Cooler if a new Ghostbusters movie ever happens.FuzzSep 15, 2014View