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Displaying 35841-35850 of 48957 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
13739How was your day?Yesterday was my birthday so we went to <a href="">Logan Arcade</a> <img src=""> which is also a bar.&nbsp; My first time there.&nbsp; I played Tapper, Ms Pacman, Tempest, Battle Zone, Galaga '88, Tetris (with Mrs steak), Joust, Dig Dug, and a couple of pinballs. I wanted to play <a href="">Killer Queen</a> but nobody else cared. I also wanted to play Robotron and Donkey Kong but they were out of order. I played Battletoads by myself before my friends got there, and it's a good thing I did because about a half hour later it was down too. But I did get to play Ninja Turtles, The Simpsons, and X-Men with them.<br><br>I never eat breakfast on weekdays but today I am <img src=""> hung over so I've eaten a breakfast sandwich from 7-11 and another breakfast sandwich from Dunkin Donuts. <br><br>Party!<br><br>Naturally, I forgot to call the building inspector, which I was supposed to do at 8:30 this morning. By now he's written me a citation and left the office. At least I got to work on time... <img src=""><br><br>I need some water.<br><br><br><br><br>shakin steakNov 10, 2014View
13738Saved by the BellAnd these guys were friends before this fight.<br><br><br><iframe width="640" height="360" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>Mr MagicNov 10, 2014View
13737Toy Story is set to release in 2017.<blockquote rel="ThatDudeintheHoodie"><b>ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote :</b><br><i> The gerneral consencis is that this isn't wanted nor needed and that the ending in 3 was perfect and the shorts are fine and I agree. Toy Story 4 shouldn't be a thing since they wrapped everything nicely in 3 and the shorts provide short stories of the gang's adventures after Andy. Probably my favorite title for this new movie is "Toy Story 4: You're 30 put those toys away" .<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote><br>I agree as well. Toy Story 3 was a perfect ending and there's absolutely no good reason to make another outside of milking their cash cow.&nbsp;DerkNov 10, 2014View
13736How was your day?For sure yeah. The feel of the place is very nice. <br>ThatDudeintheHoodieNov 10, 2014View
13735The Simpsons/Futurama crossoverEven with the series finale, fans still wanted more. <img src="" title=":lol:">Mr MagicNov 10, 2014View
13734How was your day?You have to admire the old time feel of the restaurant. <br>Mr MagicNov 10, 2014View
13733The Simpsons/Futurama crossoverif it's a hint that it's coming back to fox, then consider me happy<br>BenjanimeNov 10, 2014View
13732How was your day?I've only been there once. It was ok. I had their breakfast when I went to a convention last year.<br>ThatDudeintheHoodieNov 10, 2014View
13731How was your day?Love their fried chicken smothered with white gravy.<br><br><img style="width: 500px; height: 500px;" src="/images/postImages/14156260326819150429_9076039771.jpg"><br><br>8 more posts. We're getting close!<br>Mr MagicNov 10, 2014View
13730Toy Story is set to release in 2017.i don't like the ideal of a new toystory &nbsp;because they gave it the perfect send off i am afraid they will ruin it.comic_book_fanNov 10, 2014View