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Displaying 29801-29810 of 49038 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
20008Random Pictures Thread<img style="width: 789px; height: 591px;" src="/images/postImages/1429206456Hey Walmart.png">Vaporman87Apr 16, 2015View
20007Last Movie You WatchedI still haven't seen it yet, but I was afraid it would be boring. I kind of hoped people would have a different outlook on it.<br><br>Like I said before, the most boring movies win for "Best Picture"<br>Mr MagicApr 16, 2015View
20006Things you don't like about this era.<a href="">Selfies.</a>Vaporman87Apr 16, 2015View
20005Last Movie You WatchedI don't know if this counts, since I couldn't make it through the first 20 minutes...<br><br>Birdman<br><br>I love Michael Keaton. But this sucks. I mean, it's really bad. It feels soooo much like the director was just trying every goofy, oddball trick in the book to be "artsy". It just felt so dumb, and incredibly boring.<br><br>1/5<br>Vaporman87Apr 16, 2015View
20004Mystery Science Theater 3000Ha! I want one of these. My personal favorites... Big McLargeHuge, Lump Beefbroth, Dirk HardPec, and Thick McRunFast.<br><a href=""><br><img src="/images/postImages/1429205650Biff Beefbroth Tee Shirt.png"></a><br>Vaporman87Apr 16, 2015View
20003Things you don't like about this era.Eh, Anonymous couldn't find anything on me.&nbsp; I guess she forgot to tell them I never use my real name, don't use online transactions, and I use free internet I bum off others with a proxy.&nbsp; What hurt was losing a close friend without any reason.<br><br>You know her, Saruman.&nbsp; She was all over the Chatango with her chatango powers back in the day.&nbsp; <br>AjimboApr 16, 2015View
20002Things you don't like about this era.<blockquote rel="Ajimbo"><b>Ajimbo wrote :</b><br><i> I dunno, a former member of RJ tried to get people to "hack" me.&nbsp; She tried to use her connections with a big named facebook page to get Anonymous to hack my account and put all my info online.&nbsp; We used to talk almost 24/7 on Skype, but then she started lying more than usual and became increasingly paranoid.&nbsp; She had asked me to have Saruman delete her post history from RJ, which he did.<br><br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>Ha, I don't remember that at all. Boy, time flies. There were too many crazies on RJ to keep track of.<br>Linux_SageApr 16, 2015View
20001Random Pictures Thread<img alt="" src="" height="400" width="534">Mr MagicApr 16, 2015View
20000Random Pictures Thread<blockquote rel="thecrow174"><b>thecrow174 wrote :</b><br><i> <span style="font-weight: bold;">S</span>tephen <span style="font-weight: bold;">F</span>. <span style="font-weight: bold;">A</span>ustin<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">S</span>treet <span style="font-weight: bold;">F</span>ighter <span style="font-weight: bold;">A</span>lpha<br><br>Well, I'll be darned.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>Yeah I know what it stand for just always first thing that pops in my head :P<div><br></div>EISXUOISApr 16, 2015View
19999Fix Users Online Section<br><blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>Vaporman87 wrote :</b><br><i> <blockquote rel="Linux_Sage"><b>Linux_Sage wrote :</b><br><i><br> Most people who implement these sort of things track all active sessions within the database. They would either source it from the $_SESSIONS array every time a user logs in and remove each entry as they expire or you could go all out and create an entire session interface class and handle everything within the DB itself.<br><br>Once it's all in the DB querying who's online would be trivial. <br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>I forgot we had a developer in our midst. Well, another one that is. <img src="/images/smilies/MavSmile.gif"><br><br>That would be essentially the same as what it is now, right? Except that as it is now, there is no expiration. The status is only changed when the user manually logs off. I've gone into the DB and manually logged everyone off before. Just to see who would eventually log in again (some have not even done so since I last did that).<br><br></i><b></b></blockquote>Well that could explain why everyone shows up. If the Login action and the LogOut action are the only two things which make changes to that table and there there are people who rarely ever explicitly Logout and instead close their tab or something then there's no way of truly knowing who's online.&nbsp; It may be best to do this at the session level.<br><br><i>What would be involved in tracking the activity of a logged in user in order to tag them as "online"? On RJ, it even shows which thread the user is looking at. How would that work?<br> </i><b>-end quote<br></b><span style="font-style: italic;"><span style="font-weight: bold;"><br></span></span>Most likely they implement a custom session handler and store all session data within the database rather than the filesystem of the server. Then they could easily add custom things like what they're browsing, what their IP is, etc. and all this stuff will get updated as their activity changes.<br>Linux_SageApr 16, 2015View