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Displaying 29571-29580 of 49036 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
20239A New Addition to the RetroDaze Family Incoming...Not having a text sig seem to have made a difference for me when using the quote button.<br>Mr MagicApr 25, 2015View
20238How was your day?That's very kind of blue. Hopefully she is able to find a home.<br>Vaporman87Apr 25, 2015View
20237A New Addition to the RetroDaze Family Incoming...<blockquote rel="Silvervix"><b>Silvervix wrote :</b><br><i> It doesn't work for me... in neither of my computers. It's not an issue, but it's really curious.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>I'm willing to bet that if you erase your signature, it will start working. Why... I really don't know. :lol:<br>Vaporman87Apr 25, 2015View
20236The CaféI'm sure they won't have a long comeback.<br>Mr MagicApr 25, 2015View
20235How was your day?I hope that works out well, blue.<br>Mr MagicApr 25, 2015View
20234How was your day?That's a really nice gesture, dude.<br>SilvervixApr 25, 2015View
20233A New Addition to the RetroDaze Family Incoming...It doesn't work for me... in neither of my computers. It's not an issue, but it's really curious.<br>SilvervixApr 25, 2015View
20231Random Pictures Thread<img width="300" height="300" src="/images/postImages/1429939726mkranime_paper_a2.jpg"><br>squidbeeApr 25, 2015View
20230A New Addition to the RetroDaze Family Incoming...<blockquote rel="Silvervix"><b>Silvervix wrote :</b><br><i> It's not working for me either, Vapor. It just kind of stopped one day. It doesn't matter, though, seeing how I can still use the "@" method <img src="/images/smilies/MavGrin.gif"><br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>Works fine for me, as you can tell. It might be a browser issue. I'm currently using Firefox.<br>blueluigiApr 25, 2015View
20229How was your day?Today was a day I didn't expect at all.<br><br>I was at a club meeting, and everyone there was discussing different topics. Basically, the people there were talking about what was going on in their personal lives. One of the people there said that she is currently homeless and had no place to go. After expressing how she doesn't have a place to stay, I offered her to stay at my place, and she accepted.<br><br>So, yes. I have somebody staying at my apartment for a few nights until she finds another place on her own. I told her it can't be permanent.<br>blueluigiApr 25, 2015View