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Displaying 28761-28770 of 49036 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
21060A new KFC commercial with a Colonel Sanders impersonatorI hate his voice.DebrisStormJun 03, 2015View
21059A new KFC commercial with a Colonel Sanders impersonatorI like how they used an actual person,these things usually opt for cgi and end up looking creepy.jkatzJun 03, 2015View
21058Random Pictures Threadechidna64 will get a kick out of this:<div><br></div><div><img width="300" height="300" src=""></div>jkatzJun 03, 2015View
21057Jem and the Holograms<blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>Vaporman87 wrote :</b><br><i> <blockquote rel="DebrisStorm"><b>DebrisStorm wrote :</b><br><i>This movie is the story of Justin Bieber. So yay.... </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>The phrase "Kiss of Death" seems applicable here. </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>The other kiss of death, the producer even said that the fans should 'lower their expectations'. Oh that's a ringing endorsement.DebrisStormJun 02, 2015View
21056Point Break Remake<blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>Vaporman87 wrote :</b><br><i> Exactly Debris. Also, am I the only one that found it unintentionally hilarious when he says he thinks they are extreme athletes like him? I crack up at that line every time. </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>Why do I get the feeling this was supposed to be the third xXx movie?DebrisStormJun 02, 2015View
21055Independence Day sequelIt's hard to imagine an Independence Day sequel without Will Smith.<br><br>Maybe he'll make a last minute decision to join the cast.<br><br><br>Mr MagicJun 02, 2015View
21054Disney/Pixar's next movie goes REALLY "retro"<blockquote rel="blueluigi"><b>blueluigi wrote :</b><br><i> Another Pixar movie already? Whatever happened to releasing one Pixar movie per year. I feel like this is the type of crap that's making Pixar lose quality control.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>I kind of thought that myself, but they've had very few duds, if any. Hopefully this isn't the beginning of a string of them.Vaporman87Jun 02, 2015View
21053Disney/Pixar's next movie goes REALLY "retro"Another Pixar movie already? Whatever happened to releasing one Pixar movie per year. I feel like this is the type of crap that's making Pixar lose quality control.<br>blueluigiJun 02, 2015View
21052Disney/Pixar's next movie goes REALLY "retro"I liked the dinosaurs' expressions went the comet just went right past them.<br>Mr MagicJun 02, 2015View
21050The Café<blockquote rel="shakin steak"><b>shakin steak wrote :<br></b><i>I read that recently myself.<br><br>What do I think of Nolan Bushnell's point? Well, as I've mentioned before, there is no problem for arcades to come back. They may not be as widespread, not even close, but there are a few in my area that are successful without being Dave &amp; Buster's. And, again in my area, I will say that I see young people gathering in various places. Most of them are either too much "clubhouses" to be "informal" (bars) or too "informal" to be a "clubhouse" (basketball court, street corner) but people are social and want to relax together. I see a serious lack of defined spaces for very young people (under 18) and that's why the "informals" proliferate. I think there is demand, but it is hard these days to monetize that. You have to create something special, because while I think he's right that there are kinds of entertainment technology that just don't work in the typical home, the gulf is getting a lot smaller than it used to be.<br><br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote> I wondered if something like this might be one "yes" answer: <br><b>James</b>, 40, walks with his 2 sons into this new “arcade” he has been hearing about called YourCade. Much of what he remembers about the arcades he frequented in his youth is there in front of him. The floors, the lighting, the beeps and buzzes of games being played while 80’s music bellows from the speakers above… it’s all taking him back to the good old days. <b>Ahead</b>, there is a lone counter with a smiling employee greeting them. “Welcome to YourCade. Is this your first visit?” the employee asks. “Yes, it is.” James replies. The employee then provides James with information and documents to help guide his experience. <b>To</b> the right of James and the employee are several cabinets. The employee explains that James and his sons will be provided with YourCade ID cards. They are about the size of a credit card, and can store information. Once purchased, James and his sons will take their ID cards to one of the cabinets on the right, and swipe it at the base of the cabinet. James is shown an account number that is now linked to his ID card, and can enter a password to associate with this account. Now James will create his YourCade avatar. This avatar will be utilized in every single game in YourCade. The wealth of options seems nearly limitless. Name, colors, outfits, hair styles, etc. are all customizable at this cabinet. There are also some “game specific” attributes to choose. Move sets, for use in a fighting game. Weapon sets, for use in an adventure game, Ship designs, for use in a space game, etc. James is in a hurry, so he simply chooses to allow the cabinet AI to “auto choose” these attributes for him. Once James has completed the customization of this avatar, he saves it to his account. <b>Now</b> that James and his sons have all completed this process, they can head into the main area of the arcade and begin play. Every game in the arcade has been developed specifically for the YourCade experience. The graphical quality and genre all vary, but each is made to exhibit the best qualities of the era that inspired them. James chooses a more classic looking game that reminds him of Gauntlet. He swipes his card at the base of the cabinet, and sees his avatar, now looking a bit more pixelated to resemble the graphics of the game being played, appear on screen. His sons join as well, as this game can handle up to four players. After a brief story element plays out, they begin play as their avatars. <b>Once</b> his gaming experience ends, the list of players with top scores on the machine is shown, including their own avatars. His point score is saved to his account. These points accumulate. They can be used to improve his avatar’s attributes, buy new equipment, clothing, etc. all of which can be done back at the cabinets near the entrance. <b>As</b> James improves his avatar, he will find that new things become unlocked within the games he plays. More difficult enemies, new levels, better rewards… and so on. &gt;<b>Next</b>, James notices a fighting game. He decides to try his hand at it. He seems to be facing another player who has an avatar that is far more advanced than his own. The other player tells James that he can purchase a “boost” for his avatar at the “avatar cabinets”. This would temporarily advance his avatar to a level comparable to another player’s level. Once the gaming experience was over, James’ avatar would return to its former state. James decides to take the other player’s advice, and heads to the “avatar cabinets” to purchase a boost. <b>However</b>, James notices that he has not yet accumulated enough points to purchase a boost. However, with the swipe of his credit card, James can purchase point packages. He purchases enough to cover the cost of the boost, and then purchases the boost. He then returns to face his opponent in the fighting game. <b>The</b> winning fighter earns more points at the end of the experience, but James – being the loser – still earns a respectable sum. After trying out several more games, James and his sons prepare to leave. “Not a bad point total for a first time.” the employee exclaims. James notices his avatar’s name and points displayed on a large digital board behind the counter. It is scrolling through the day’s players and the points they have earned that day, as well as their totals. “Thanks.” James replies. The employee then reminds James that he can make certain changes to his account/avatar by visiting the YourCade website and entering his account number and password. He can also make purchases, like boosts, as well as track the progress of his avatar and the avatars of others. He has a long way to go to reach the top of the leaderboards at YourCade, but he is well on his way nowVaporman87Jun 02, 2015View