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Displaying 28651-28660 of 49036 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
21175A Flinstones attraction in Arizona is up for sale.^ I wouldn't mind seeing that bear attraction.<br>Mr MagicJun 05, 2015View
21174Last Movie You WatchedThe Losers<br><br>It started out good, but it got pretty boring throughout. Not as much action as I hoped for. I know there's more to an action movie than explosions, guns and stuff, but I was disappointed.<br><br>Normally, I wouldn't give a movie a low star rating, but yeah, this one was pretty bad imo.<br><br>2 stars.<br>Mr MagicJun 05, 2015View
21173R.I.P. Betsy Palmer (of Friday The 13th)Her special, special boy.<br>Mr MagicJun 05, 2015View
21172A Flinstones attraction in Arizona is up for sale.I drove by it on the way to the Grand Canyon.<div><br></div><div>What REALLY caught my attention was an attraction called Bearizona which features lives bears.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>I imagine it would be like the drive-in bear exhibit from the Great Outdoors. Zagnut anyone?</div>echidna64Jun 05, 2015View
21171Full House I'm sure you felt the same way about the Bradys.<br><br><img style="width: 581px; height: 391px;" src="/images/postImages/1433518001Screen-Shot-2013-08-01-at-12.47.59.png"><br>Mr MagicJun 05, 2015View
21170Random Pictures Threadi'd gotten rid of my account there long ago, but i'd guess that some of&nbsp; the newbies in the community are weird. if i'd drawn something along the lines of samurai jack then timbox would've found my post in a heartbeat.<br>BenjanimeJun 05, 2015View
21169Random Pictures Thread<blockquote rel="Benjanime"><b>Benjanime wrote :</b><i><br>and for something a little more recent, there's this:<br><br><img style="width: 463px; height: 240px;" src="/images/postImages/1433515947gildasummer2015.PNG"><br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>I'd keep that picture clear of RJ. Somebody might start commenting on how hot she is.Vaporman87Jun 05, 2015View
21168A Flinstones attraction in Arizona is up for sale.C'mon shakin. You know you want to visit a Flintstones themed casino/resort.&nbsp;Vaporman87Jun 05, 2015View
21167Random Pictures Thread<img src="/images/postImages/1433515815ghostbuster_katie_by_benjamillion.jpg"><br><br>i've probably shown this off previously on RJ, but for old time's sake, here's my OC, katie dressed as a ghostbuster. i drew this sometime around 2004, probably 2005.<br><br>and for something a little more recent, there's this:<br><br><img style="width: 463px; height: 240px;" src="/images/postImages/1433515947gildasummer2015.PNG"><br>BenjanimeJun 05, 2015View
21166A Flinstones attraction in Arizona is up for sale.That is one walleyed Fred.<br><br><br><blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>Article wrote :</b><br>redevelopment opportunities could include a casino, resort [in Arizona], time shares or an outlet mall<br><b>quote</b></blockquote>So, scam, scam, scam, or crap.<br>shakin steakJun 05, 2015View