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Displaying 28391-28400 of 49034 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
21439Kingdom Hearts 3 is coming!Am I dreaming or is this for real?<br><br><iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>Mr MagicJun 17, 2015View
21438How was your day?My thread went past the 2000th mark! Very nice! <img src="" title=":D"><br><br><img style="width: 650px; height: 518px;" src="/images/postImages/1434551478Vancouver-Celebration-of-Light-Guide.jpg"><br><br>I encountered what appeared to have been a horse-fly yesterday. That sucker was huge! Thank goodness it didn't sting me because I heard it hurts worse than a wasp's sting.<br>Mr MagicJun 17, 2015View
21437An old Final Fantasy game gets a remakeSure, it's a memorable game, but $300 is just outrageous!<br>Mr MagicJun 17, 2015View
21436How was your day?<blockquote rel="Benjanime"><b>Benjanime wrote :</b><br><i> <img style="width: 508px; height: 286px;" src="/images/postImages/1434548497nintendomuppets.PNG"><br><br>so i tried pushing time into my schedule to watch the E3 presentations from microsoft, sony and nintendo. i think it's obvious that sony and microsoft got the better end of the deal, but that doesn't mean that i'm not looking forward to some of nintendo's titles.<br><br>star fox zero looked amazing, and i might just pick up the new legend of zelda 3DS game (no, not the hyrule warriors one). people have been complaining about the new metroid game just because it doesn't have samus in it. may i ask, why? when metal gear solid 2 came out you played as a whiny kid named raiden through the second half of the game, and fans hated it at first but grew to like it. so who says that the new metroid won't change expectations when it's out? ah well, that's just me.<br><br>i wanted to pick up mario maker thinking it would be one of those $30 pricetag games, but after checking the price on the preorder lists, i think i'll hold off.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>The first part of the event for Nintendo was Glorious. Same goes for the intermissions. Bananas enough said. But after Starfox the digital event lost it's punch. Though they did better than Square Eh-Nix I'll admit.<br>ThatDudeintheHoodieJun 17, 2015View
21435An old Final Fantasy game gets a remakemeanwhile it's still only a measly ten dollars on the psn store. that's just the sellers obviously price-galging it like they do with everything that's popular.<br>BenjanimeJun 17, 2015View
21434An old Final Fantasy game gets a remakeSpeaking of the original, Amazon is charging $299.99 for it.<br><a href=""><br></a><br><br>Mr MagicJun 17, 2015View
21433How was your day?<img style="width: 508px; height: 286px;" src="/images/postImages/1434548497nintendomuppets.PNG"><br><br>so i tried pushing time into my schedule to watch the E3 presentations from microsoft, sony and nintendo. i think it's obvious that sony and microsoft got the better end of the deal, but that doesn't mean that i'm not looking forward to some of nintendo's titles.<br><br>star fox zero looked amazing, and i might just pick up the new legend of zelda 3DS game (no, not the hyrule warriors one). people have been complaining about the new metroid game just because it doesn't have samus in it. may i ask, why? when metal gear solid 2 came out you played as a whiny kid named raiden through the second half of the game, and fans hated it at first but grew to like it. so who says that the new metroid won't change expectations when it's out? ah well, that's just me.<br><br>i wanted to pick up mario maker thinking it would be one of those $30 pricetag games, but after checking the price on the preorder lists, i think i'll hold off.<br>BenjanimeJun 17, 2015View
21432Hollywood to remake Big Trouble in Little Chi... OH FOR PETE'S SAKE!!!Even John Carpenter himself doesn't want this.<br><br><a href=""></a><br>Mr MagicJun 17, 2015View
21431RetroDaze Goodie PacksAnticipation.fuschniktJun 17, 2015View
21430RetroDaze Goodie PacksStill waiting on a few items. Hopefully it will get posted before the end of the month.<br>Vaporman87Jun 17, 2015View