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Displaying 2711-2720 of 48975 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
47792"Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff died<p><img alt="" src="" /></p> <p>Paul Orndorff sure earned the respect of fans by displaying some of the most technically awesome wrestling moves, proving that he was well trained in olympic-style wrestling. His bouts were always interesting to watch because he took every opportunity to use classic wrestling moves instead of the flashy, &quot;Hollywood&quot;, moves that some fans expected.</p> <p>I remember back in 1986, Paul had a match with a new wrestler making his first appearance on the WWF. Paul and the new guy executed the most classically olympic-style bout that the whole audience really got into it with audible &quot;oohs&quot; and &quot;aahs&quot;!</p> <p>Paul won the match, and the two westlers shook hands to the well-earned standing ovation from the entire arena and commendations from the broadcast hosts that evening.</p> <p>Paul Orndorff was a man to respect and I am so sorry that he has left the ring forever.</p> <p><strong>Rest In Peace, Paul Orndorff</strong></p> eddstarrJul 17, 2021View
47790The Café<p>Yesterday marked a very special occasion in my area. It was the first day in over two weeks where we didn&#39;t at some point in the day have a massive thunderstorm.</p> <p>We of course made up for it today by having a half-a-day rager. I feel like I am living in Seattle.</p> Rick Ace RhodesJul 17, 2021View
47789The Café<p>i&#39;m pretty sure there&#39;s at least gonna be the soccermoms taking their kids to go see it just &#39;cause cartoons</p> BenjanimeJul 17, 2021View
47788The Café<p>Did anyone expect anything differently? It is&nbsp;a sequel no one wanted to a 25-year-old movie that nobody really even liked featuring one of the most hated athletes of all time.</p> Rick Ace RhodesJul 16, 2021View
47787The Café<p>everyone on social media has their opinion though. this is just another case of a film company thinking to themselves &quot;it&#39;s about time for another sequel, how &#39;bout some profit?&quot;</p> BenjanimeJul 16, 2021View
47786The Café<p>So far, the new Space Jam movie has a 3.7/10 on IMDB. Oh, my.</p> Mr MagicJul 16, 2021View
47785The Café<p>if you&#39;re a fan of emojis,&nbsp;<a href="">eggo waffles has you covered</a>.</p> BenjanimeJul 16, 2021View
47784Best Twilight Zone episodes<p>A Most Unusual Camera</p> <p>An intriguing story of a camera that can take pictures of things in the future.</p> Mr MagicJul 16, 2021View
47783The Café<p>Oh wow... that sounds dreadful.&nbsp;</p> Vaporman87Jul 16, 2021View
47782Last Movie You Watched<p>The Last Starfighter</p> <p>Haven&#39;t seen this movie in a long time! Although the CGI looks terrible it still is a fun ride and I love the positive message.</p> <p>Fun fact- the Director Nick Castle played Michael Myers &quot;the shape&quot; in Halloween</p> echidna64Jul 15, 2021View