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Displaying 26911-26920 of 49030 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
22938The Café<blockquote rel="shakin steak"><b>shakin steak wrote :</b><br><i> <a href="">The Coddling of the American Mind</a><br><br>Great piece about how political correctness (or its modern version) is problematic for our society.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>I can tell anyone WHY this has happened. It's because we let it happen. Instead of standing on the side of what is reasonable, we now stand with everything that is beyond reason. Common sense is disappearing, because we've made it offensive to have any. Using an example from the article, a student reads a book about the fight against the KKK, but because there is an image of the clan on the book, it instantly becomes offensive. Common sense would suggest to the offended AND the Dean or authority figure that this is not worth anyone's time. But instead, we eschew that for the most unreasonable solution... punish the holder of the book. This is more than just a conundrum... it's a very serious problem that will only get worse.<br><br>And it began when those in authority positions decided long held beliefs and monuments to those beliefs were just too offensive for people to have to deal with. It's like saying, "Man, I hate watching or hearing about the Kardashians. Someone should probably just kill them all" when the answer should be "I'll just STOP watching and hearing about them"!!!<br><br>We can't just IGNORE things anymore. Every little thing must cater to our own personal sensibilities. But that only applies to certain sections of our society, and that is almost always a minority. Would a college take down a flyer advertising an LGBT rally because a Christian student found it offensive? Yeah right. But reverse the situation and you better believe some action would be taken. It's ridiculous. One of the most ridiculous things about living in this day and age.<br><br>Darn you steak... you've went and made my blood boil. :lol:<br>Vaporman87Aug 12, 2015View
22937Last Movie You Watched<blockquote rel="massreality"><b>massreality wrote :</b><br><i> I finally sat down and watched The Lost Boys. I was pleasantly surprised by how fun and campy it was. It was a one-time watch for me, but not a bad way to spend an hour and a half.<div><br></div><div>3 stars</div> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>You can now mark that off your list of shameful retro confessions. Well done.<br><br>I decided to watch the Fantastic Four movie. The 1994 version. :lol:<br><br>Wow. This was just awful. So bad, it's funny in parts. And apparently there is a documentary coming out that details the making of the movie, and how it was actually NEVER meant to see the light of day. It was only made to meet a contractual agreement with no intention of ever releasing it in any form. Isn't that crazy?<br><br>0.5/5<br>Vaporman87Aug 12, 2015View
22936The Café<a href="">The Coddling of the American Mind</a><br><br>Great piece about how political correctness (or its modern version) is problematic for our society.<br><br>shakin steakAug 12, 2015View
22935Last Movie You WatchedI finally sat down and watched The Lost Boys. I was pleasantly surprised by how fun and campy it was. It was a one-time watch for me, but not a bad way to spend an hour and a half.<div><br></div><div>3 stars</div>massrealityAug 12, 2015View
22934Suddenly Summer (That Wasn't) Article Contest 2015While the contest ended 2 days ago, only today will all the entries finally be published. A slight delay, but I wanted to try and allow each it's due time on top on the front page. I'll be sending the entries to Mr. Donovan this week.<br>Vaporman87Aug 12, 2015View
22933Latest Kim Kardashian news makes anchorman walk off set.Famous for being famous<br>shakin steakAug 12, 2015View
22932Latest Kim Kardashian news makes anchorman walk off set.Yeah. Every news outlet should follow suit. These people have no positive effect on my life. I don't care about any aspect of their lives. <br>Vaporman87Aug 12, 2015View
22931Latest Kim Kardashian news makes anchorman walk off set.I don't blame him. I'm tired of hearing about those idiots.<br>Linux_SageAug 12, 2015View
22930Header and Site Images<blockquote rel="Caps 2.0"><b>Caps 2.0 wrote :</b><br><i> If I may make a suggestion, perhaps we could have an option where one could choose what header they would like. Since the 80s and 90s are currently the two most popular decades on here, perhaps you could have the option available when you sign in.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>I actually love this idea. Though it could be more complicated than it sounds, given that we also use seasonal headers that will need to override the member's personal choice of the two. We'll incorporate one header with images from both decades for now, and I will run the idea of a choice option by Moudy to see what his feedback is.<br><br>Thanks Caps!<br>Vaporman87Aug 12, 2015View
22929Godzilla<blockquote rel="shakin steak"><b>shakin steak wrote :</b><br><i> <a href=";catid=22&amp;threadid=145716">New homebrew Godzilla game being made for Nintendo</a><br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>That's awesome. Glad to see someone in the homebrew community doing a Godzilla title. I would love it if he included Gamera and King Kong in there somewhere.<br><br>I'm not sure how this is going to work though. Toho is VERY protective of the Godzilla property, and will not allow anyone to make a penny on this. <br>Vaporman87Aug 12, 2015View