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Displaying 26721-26730 of 49030 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
23132What do you do for a living(job)?School is back in session today. I'm fresh off summer break, ready to teach some World History! echidna64Aug 18, 2015View
23131I must be pretty popular!Wow. You even got his typing style too. You truly are a new PeZZ!<br>Vaporman87Aug 18, 2015View
23130What do you do for a living(job)?Sounds like a pretty good gig. And yes, retail can be pretty taxing on the old patience. :lol:<br>Vaporman87Aug 18, 2015View
23129County Fairs<blockquote rel="Fuzz"><b>Fuzz wrote :<br></b>It also landed in the blue bowl, so I got my choice of prizes. Off course, my 5yo wanted the Minecraft sword and not the four foot tall stuffed Gizmo.<br><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>I'm sorry, but I'm thinking in this case I would have activated <span style="font-weight: bold;">Dad Protocol 1512: Override child's choice due to cool factor being too great to overlook.<br></span><br><br>Proof that even in Hicksville Central, we have a smidgen of culture:<br><span style="font-weight: bold;"><br><img style="width: 630px; height: 472px;" src="/images/postImages/1439915788photo 4.JPG"> </span><br><br><img style="width: 629px; height: 471px;" src="/images/postImages/1439915974photo 5.JPG"><br><br>And then of course, there are those things you expect to see... :lol:<br><br><img style="width: 631px; height: 474px;" src="/images/postImages/1439916151photo 2.JPG"><br><br>My personal choice for "Best In Show"? This entire section of delights that my diet does not allow. My diet is a jerk. <br><br><img style="width: 631px; height: 472px;" src="/images/postImages/1439916346photo 3.JPG"><br><br><br><br><br><br>Vaporman87Aug 18, 2015View
23128I must be pretty popular!me and vkimo 3.0 that's the version of vkimo who lives near me in texas were hanging out and we went to buy some Air Stick Up Wicks then we drank Pepsi Twist. we drove the chevrolet movie theater but do you think anyone ever really so far as decided to look like? i'm just glad i'm this version of me because the pressure takes off a little<br>shakin steakAug 18, 2015View
23127Random Pictures Thread<img src="/images/postImages/1439914528outside.jpg">BenjanimeAug 18, 2015View
23126What do you do for a living(job)?<blockquote rel="Vaporman87" style="font-style: normal; font-weight: normal;"><b>Vaporman87 wrote :</b></blockquote><blockquote rel="Vaporman87" style="font-style: normal; font-weight: normal;"><i style="font-size: 10pt;"><blockquote rel="massreality" style="display: inline !important;"><i style="font-size: 10pt;">What do you think of it so far?</i></blockquote></i></blockquote><blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b style="font-style: normal; font-weight: normal;">-end quote</b></blockquote>At first I hated it. Doctors tend to be egotistical jerks, so having them bark orders at me all day did not sit well. But, for the most part, I don't have to do much. I just have to be in the room when needed. That gives me time to work on school work or write my contest entries.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>I'm digging the transporting the best. I like getting out meeting the people and actually helping people. The shift goes by fast, and when I'm not moving people, I'm just sitting playing on my phone or reading a book. It's the total opposite of retail. No one expects you to clean or stay busy, just do your job.&nbsp;</div>massrealityAug 18, 2015View
23125Random Pictures Thread<img alt="" src="" height="247" width="460">Mr MagicAug 18, 2015View
23124Last Movie You Watched@Jrs:<br><br>Did you like 300 the 2nd time you watched it?<br><br>The last film I watched was Blade. I liked it the first time I saw it.<br>Mr MagicAug 18, 2015View
23123I must be pretty popular!What were you doing sliding through realms? Hiding bodies? You know the satellites can find them and you because of the fluoride they put in the water. They are monitoring your yahoo account right now.AjimboAug 18, 2015View