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Displaying 26301-26310 of 49029 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
23562M&M'sSaw these today... in our local little department store of all places:<br><br><img style="width: 552px; height: 311px;" src="/images/postImages/1440795502MandMs Candy Corn.png"><br>Vaporman87Aug 28, 2015View
23561Small Update4 years and counting.<br>Mr MagicAug 28, 2015View
23560Retro-Daze let's get healthy!So I'm going ahead and being proactive and scheduling an appointment with a cardiologist. I had noticed lately that I am occasionally experiencing the "heart flutters/arrhythmias/skipped beats" that I suffered during and after my last experience with my OCD/panic disorder, albeit not nearly of that severity. The skipped beats don't bother me, but I just want to know everything is okay FOR CERTAIN. Hopefully he/she will have me do a stress test, echo, etc. Something to see what's going on in there for sure. If I pass these tests with flying colors, I'll know never to be freaked out by the "flutters". Peace of mind is what I'm looking for here. :)<br>Vaporman87Aug 28, 2015View
23559Small UpdateThis is one of those small little things that shows how much better RetroDaze is than Retrojunk. Whatever glitches and bugs arise on this site actually has some care and consideration being put into patching up these bugs. How long has Retrojunk been having these bugs? Hmm?blueluigiAug 28, 2015View
23558Scary moments in video games.Ahh, yes. I remember that now.<br><br><iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>Mr MagicAug 28, 2015View
23557The CaféA lot of people tried to get out and couldn't.<br>shakin steakAug 28, 2015View
23556Scary moments in video games.I always liked the piano in super mario 64.Jrs1991Aug 28, 2015View
23555Scary moments in video games.I'll say. They're haunted!<br>Mr MagicAug 28, 2015View
23554Scary moments in video games.When a unit is lost in Missionforce: Cyberstorm<br><br>Their screams are disturbing<div><br></div> <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>echidna64Aug 28, 2015View
23553Scary moments in video games.That was nail-biting for sure.<br><br>Jason popping up out of nowhere in the Friday the 13th game.<br><br><br>Mr MagicAug 28, 2015View