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1990 - The Year Santa Died


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Displaying 25931-25940 of 49027 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
24000Random Pictures ThreadCool kidcoffee. It's like a mix of Simpsons and Doug. Vaporman87Sep 13, 2015View
23999Sports films.Which reminds me of the time long, long ago when I watched a Major League on TBS and they had edited it because of the language, but the dubbing on those parts was just awful. It was hilarious. I wish I had that on VHS.Vaporman87Sep 13, 2015View
23998Things you don't like about this era.<blockquote rel="vkimo"><b>vkimo wrote :</b><br><i> Really hate how people simply don't know how to just sit/stand and do nothing. I've been in line at the bank and peep at people over their shoulders on the phones and realize they're literally just flipping back and fourth between apps or something. Not responding to a text or checking emails....just on the phone. It's actually quite bizarre. When I'm in waiting rooms and everyone is on their phone I like to sit really upright and stare blankly across the room, although I could probably strip down to my underoos and no one would notice.<br><br><br>Ever see groups of kids walking down the street, and they're all on their phones? Who the hell are you interacting with, when all of your friends are there in person?!<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>The same thing happened to me with the doctor's waiting room two fridays ago. There were five other people in the small waiting room and only one of them wasn't on some kind of device. An older man on his phone, a middle aged guy(he wasn't even a patient, i think he was some kind of medicine salesman) had his phone and a tablet and a younger man and woman that were together(boyfriend/girlfriend of husband/wife) and they were both on their phones. I know it is boring and takes a long time in a waiting room but it's not that hard to just sit there and wait or just think or the super crazy thing of actually talking to the other people in the room.Jrs1991Sep 13, 2015View
23997Last Movie You WatchedQuaratine 2 and Jupiter Ascending.G3CheerileeSep 13, 2015View
23996Random Pictures Thread<img width="300" height="300" src="/images/postImages/14421304061388728_10151787086714401_1673709623_n.jpg">Some late night doodlingkidcoffeeSep 13, 2015View
23995Things you don't like about this era.I apologize if someone's already mentioned it, but my biggest gripe with this era is that there are no more Saturday cartoons. That's just blasphemy in my book.kidcoffeeSep 13, 2015View
23994Sports films.I'm still a huge fan of Major League. That movie cracked me up as a kid, even more so as an adult.&nbsp;kidcoffeeSep 13, 2015View
23993FallI'm pretty sure this with some creamy butter on it is the best bread product ever devised by man:<br><br><img src="/images/postImages/1442116181pumpkin bread.jpe" height="363" width="484"><br><br>This is already nearly half gone, thanks to me and my oldest son. Sorry diet, but sometimes you just have to accept that you're going to be cheated on.<br>Vaporman87Sep 13, 2015View
23992Sports films.<blockquote rel="massreality"><b>massreality wrote :</b><br><i> All the Rocky's but 5 </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>Funny fact about Rocky 5: I used the title song to make a "rap", changing the lyrics from "Go for it!" to "Snow Flurries!"<br><br>Yes, I was indeed a pathetic rap dork in those days. <br>Vaporman87Sep 13, 2015View
23991Sports films.All the Rocky's but 5massrealitySep 13, 2015View