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Displaying 25881-25890 of 49026 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
24049Last Movie You Watched<font face="Arial, Verdana"><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">Only the Lonely (1991)</span></font><div><font face="Arial, Verdana"><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;"><br></span></font></div><div><font face="Arial, Verdana"><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">10/10 Great funny nice movie with a little dark comedy. I liked this so much. John candy is an actor i really miss seeing in movies.</span></font></div>Jrs1991Sep 14, 2015View
24048Sports films.I saw that once.<br>Mr MagicSep 14, 2015View
24047Sports films.The ProgramFuzzSep 14, 2015View
24046Sports films."You can do it!"Mr MagicSep 14, 2015View
24045Hi EveryoneWallmasters meaning.<br><br><a href=""></a><br><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><br></span>A former member from RJ named Adventures_of_Link used to say "Beware of Wallmasters" too.<span style="text-decoration: underline;"><br></span>Mr MagicSep 14, 2015View
24044How Did You Find/What Brought You to Retro-Daze?I don't remember exactly how I found retro-daze. &nbsp;I'm pretty sure it was a year ago, and I heard about either the Halloween writing contest or the Halloween "theater" show, and I had planned to get involved back then. &nbsp;Things got busy, and when I got the email about the video game goodie pack, I finally got involved. &nbsp;Funny enough, i still never ordered that. &nbsp;:-p &nbsp;oniparSep 14, 2015View
24043How Did You Find/What Brought You to Retro-Daze?My thread here has helped attract people.<br><br><a href=""></a><br>Mr MagicSep 14, 2015View
24042How Did You Find/What Brought You to Retro-Daze?I saw a post on RJ, and I decided to check it out. I felt too intimidated to post articles on RJ plus it seemed like everything under the sun had been written about there.&nbsp; <br>pikachuloverSep 14, 2015View
24041How Did You Find/What Brought You to Retro-Daze?Yeah, I think a lot of the initial growth in membership was at least partly due to the sentiment of members of RJ following the redesign fiasco echidna mentions. That and I was working overtime to invite anyone I could, making sure not to sound as though I was trying to "steal" them from other forums/sites, but simply offering yet another place to add to their rotation of nostalgia sites (which has unfortunately grown smaller through the years it seems).<br><br>After the core members started doing what they like and do best (Caps submitting videos to grow the library, crow making interesting threads for forum conversation and blueluigi bringing us his extensive gaming knowledge, Benjanime, shakin, vkimo, and pikachulover creating fun articles, then we started getting some love from search engines.<br><br>That was our humble beginning. Thankfully others saw what was going on here and joined the fun. Some come and make a big splash, only to disappear (DoctorRyan, Silvervix), but our core seems pretty solid, and has grown with time. Now it includes the likes of massreality, Hoju Koolander, echidna, and TDitH. That core group keeps this place going through the lean times.<br><br>And some newer members like mickyarber, comic_book_fan, jkatz, and others have been pretty active.<br><br>The enthusiasm from the "new blood" injected by Onipar is fun to see too. So far I'm glad to see kidcoffee and ozzyrulz777 digging in and getting right to "work". Hopefully it turns into something lasting. Time will tell.<br><br>Oh, and in answer to the OP question... I invited myself.<br>Vaporman87Sep 14, 2015View
24040Hi Everyone<blockquote rel="echidna64"><b>echidna64 wrote :</b><br><i> <blockquote rel="blueluigi"><b>blueluigi wrote :</b><br><i><br> Hi... welcome to my forum. Beware of Wallmasters. <img src=""> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>What are wallmasters? </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>I've asked that question myself. Not sure I ever really got a good explanation though. :lol:<br>Vaporman87Sep 14, 2015View