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Displaying 24671-24680 of 49061 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
25329RetroDaze Halloween SpecialRemember to have Firefox or Google Chrome as your browser, and to have an up to date Adobe Flash plugin for it. Remember that once the movie starts, you can't get in. So DO NOT leave the Theater page. If you can, open the Theater on multiple computers in case one has the browser crash. If you are at the Theater entrance, and you know it is open but you can't get in, refresh your browser at the Theater exterior. You should then be able to "Buy a ticket" and enter. <img src="">Vaporman87Oct 17, 2015View
25328RetroDaze Halloween SpecialOne hour to doors opening. :)Vaporman87Oct 17, 2015View
25327To allow, or not to allow? That is the question.I'd hate to see someone win a contest and then be prohibited from winning the next one.<div><br></div><div>From what I've seen, VaporMan uses different judges from contest to contest, so there is no "favoritism". &nbsp;I've seen it as the best article wins, so I personally don't think that there should be restrictions on who can enter contests.</div><div><br></div><div>Beside, someone like Onipar is really into Halloween, so may have more memories to draw from to write a great article that wins. &nbsp;But someone like me is not so much into Halloween, but am over passionate about Christmas, so I think that gives me the edge, as an example. &nbsp;Because someone wins one contest, doesn't always mean it's based on pure writing talent. &nbsp;A lot of it comes down to the passion for the subject. &nbsp;So whoever wins this contest may just have a "dry well" when it comes to the subject of the next contest. &nbsp;But I'd love to see everyone who wants to write an article for a contest have the ability to do so everytime.</div>mickyarberOct 17, 2015View
25326To allow, or not to allow? That is the question.I enjoy fiction articles. But in regards to contests, I think there should maybe be a separate contest for them.<div>For those of us, counting myself, that aren't writers, or have a creative mind for a good story, are being placed in the same contest, and don't stand a chance at winning. Even with having a separate contest for fictional stories, with talented writers, like Onipar, Vkimo, etc. even if I did attempt a fictional story, it would be difficult to go up against them.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>So I guess maybe having different categories. Like judging at State Fairs, amateur, intermediate, expert. Lol. Also, to make it a little more fair, if somebody has won a contest, they are not eligible to enter for a period of time maybe?&nbsp;</div>DrakkenskyOct 17, 2015View
25325Last Movie You WatchedThat's a very good movie.Jrs1991Oct 17, 2015View
25324RetroDaze Halloween Special<blockquote rel="Rick Ace Rhodes"><b>Rick Ace Rhodes wrote :</b><br><i> I know Internet Explorer doesn't work with the theater, but what about Microsoft Edge? </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>That I don't know. I wouldn't chance it if I were you. Stick with Firefox or Chrome.<br><blockquote rel="blueluigi"><b>blueluigi wrote :</b><br><i> So... 5PM in the west coast if I'm correct? </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>That's correct sir. Opening the doors at 4:30 PM PST (7:30 PM EST)<br>Vaporman87Oct 17, 2015View
25323Last Movie You WatchedI'm watching The Buddy Holly Story. Nice biopic about the 50s rock star.<br><br>Gary Busey then.<br><br><img style="width: 558px; height: 313px;" src="/images/postImages/1445102906The-Buddy-Holly-Story-DI.jpg"><br><br>Gary Busey now.<br><br><img class="transparent" alt="" src=""><br><br>Mr MagicOct 17, 2015View
25322Last Movie You Watched<font face="Arial, Verdana"><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">Back to School (1986)</span></font><div><font face="Arial, Verdana"><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;"><br></span></font></div><div><font face="Arial, Verdana"><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">9/10 Great movie. Very funny. I always liked rodney dangerfield. It's awesome that oingo boingo were in this(they're in my top five favorite bands). Sam Kinison was very funny in this. I always like when movies take place during fall time.</span></font></div>Jrs1991Oct 17, 2015View
25321Got a song stuck in your head?The Secret World of Alex Mack theme was running through my mind.<br>Mr MagicOct 17, 2015View
25320Got a song stuck in your head?Another brilliant piece by Sibelius <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>Linux_SageOct 17, 2015View