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Displaying 2451-2460 of 48975 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
48059Last Thing you Bought?<p>I bought that Lego Friends set for my wife as a birthday present. I ended up putting it together myself with my daughter&#39;s help, it was definitely one of the more challenging sets but the attention to detail is fantastic</p> vkimoAug 31, 2021View
48058Your avatar.<p>I figure since I haven&#39;t had him as my avatar for several years, I went back to the character my username is from.</p> Rick Ace RhodesAug 31, 2021View
48057U.S. to withdraw from Afghanistan<p>The Wikipedia editors must be having the time of their lives.</p> <p><img alt="" height="591" src="" width="750" /></p> Rick Ace RhodesAug 30, 2021View
48056U.S. to withdraw from Afghanistan<p>And so it ends.</p> <div data-oembed-url=""> <div class="iframely-embed"> <div class="iframely-responsive" style="padding-bottom:56.2727%; padding-top:120px"><a data-iframely-url="//" href=""></a></div> </div> <script async="" charset="utf-8" src="//"></script> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> Mr MagicAug 30, 2021View
48055Random Pictures Thread<p>IN A CORRUPT FUTURE, ONLY ONE MAN IS FIT FOR SAVING THE WORLD IN 24 HOURS.</p> <p>COMING SOON TO THEATERS...... NEVER!</p> <p><img alt="" height="313" src="" width="651" /></p> BenjanimeAug 30, 2021View
48054Coca-Cola<p>Remember that Coke sun mascot from the 90s? I was wearing a shirt featuring this guy yesterday and I decided to make a tribute comic strip.</p> <p>Tsk, tsk, tsk. Poor Coke sun. He&#39;s walking through the park, feeling the power of thirst bearing down on him. But, he sees the &quot;light&quot; at the end of the dark tunnel! Take that, Thirst!</p> <p>Shine on, Coke sun!. Shine on!</p> <p><img alt="" src="" /></p> Mr MagicAug 30, 2021View
48053Your avatar.<p>Chimecho.</p> <p>What is it about Chimecho that&#39;s so captivating? Could it be its smile? Could it be its song?</p> Mr MagicAug 30, 2021View
48052Candyman 2021<p>when i saw the movie poster that said &quot;don&#39;t say his name!&quot; it reminded me of candle jack from freakazoid, because, well, y&#39;know....</p> <p><img alt="" height="450" src="" width="600" /></p> BenjanimeAug 29, 2021View
48051The Café<p>Today is a very sad for the Diary of a Wimpy Kid fandom. I found out that sometime recently FunBrain <a href="">pulled the plug</a> on the original online version that kickstarted the entire franchise.</p> <p>What a shame. There was a lot of golden content from that edition that we never got to see in the later books. It had become hard to read after FunBrain made several layout changes to their website, but it was still a classic.&nbsp;I was a huge fan of the original series when it debuted online.&nbsp;I remember eagerly counting down to the last entry that officially ended it. I always thought the kids that got into it through the published books were all posers.</p> Rick Ace RhodesAug 29, 2021View
48050U.S. to withdraw from Afghanistan<p>I am not a Biden supporter by any means, but in his defense this was going to happen no matter who pulled the trigger. When you invest over 16 years of training and over $80 billion dollars into an army that immeadiately deserts their jobs the second you leave, maybe just maybe they are insolvable problems in the country that no one can fix.</p> <p>On the plus side, as always&nbsp;the memes from this have been great.</p> <p><img alt="" height="537" src="" width="640" /></p> Rick Ace RhodesAug 29, 2021View