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Displaying 24531-24540 of 49024 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
25438How was your day?That reeks. Why must the happiness disappear?<br>Mr MagicOct 20, 2015View
25437How was your day?Thanks. It's a bit bittersweet each year, because today is the 3rd anniversary of my mom's passing. They are back-to-back. So it goes from happiness to sorrow in the span of two days.Vaporman87Oct 20, 2015View
25436How was your day?Happy, slightly belated, anniversary, Vaporman87!!!! 13 years is quite an achievment this day in age. Also totally jealous you got to bowl. My wife despises it so its a rare treat for me usually saved for birthdays. I swear no matter how old I get bowling parties never go out of style.&nbsp;kidcoffeeOct 20, 2015View
25435How was your day?I need to get back to bowling. I have my own glow in the dark ball that I don't use anymore.<br><br>Anyway, happy anniversary.<br><br><br>Mr MagicOct 20, 2015View
25434Congrats to vkimo!Congrats to vkimo for surpassing Miss M and moving into second on the all time RetroRating list.Vaporman87Oct 20, 2015View
25433How was your day?Yesterday was our 13th anniversary. We spent it relaxing, then going to Pizza Hut and bowling with friends that evening. It was a good time. My bowling skills have gotten worse with age though.Vaporman87Oct 20, 2015View
25432Charlie Brown specialsWhen it exists. <img src="" title=":lol:">Mr MagicOct 20, 2015View
25431Last Thing you Bought?My wife purchased me a pair of Crocs loafers, the slip on kind. I've never worn a pair of shoes more comfortable than these, I swear. Vaporman87Oct 20, 2015View
25430The CaféPlus the sky will never look more amazing than on a crisp Fall evening Here's a weird thing... my wife dreamt last night ( of ALL things ) that our rabbit died. Guess what was dead this morning when I went out to feed the animals? Now, it could have died as many as three days ago because I had not paid much attention to it during that time. But it wasn't yet smelling dead. Strange.Vaporman87Oct 20, 2015View
25429Color in an ArticleOkay Rick, I'll keep an eye open for it.Vaporman87Oct 20, 2015View