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Displaying 24271-24280 of 49024 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
25701Halloween Nostalgia & More!I love candy corn. I've made that known on RD a number of times.<br>Mr MagicOct 28, 2015View
25700Halloween Nostalgia & More!<blockquote rel="shakin steak"><b>shakin steak wrote :</b><br><i> Some of the answers are pretty funny.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>The funniest thing to me is that I don't recognize a single musician's name there. I've apparently become an old fogey with no knowledge of current musical tastes who believes the "classics" are the only music worth listening to. :lol:<br><br>And you know what... I like it that way. <br>Vaporman87Oct 28, 2015View
25699Halloween Nostalgia & More!Vice asked a bunch of musicians what they think of candy corn. Some of the answers are pretty funny.<br><br><a href=""></a><br><br>Personally, I like candy corn. It's not my favorite but I do enjoy it. How bout you guys?<br>shakin steakOct 28, 2015View
25698Things you don't like about this era.Halloween.<br><br>The movie Halloween was scary to us as kids. Violent, gruesome, and frightening. But it wasn't disturbing to me. None of the old "slasher" movies were disturbing. They were silly, poorly executed, popcorn flicks that were "fun".<br><br>Having sat through just a few scenes of the Halloween remake from 2007, available on YouTube, I can plainly see that Rob Zombie wanted to add that element to it. And that ruins it for me.<br><br>Though I no longer watch horror movies, I still appreciate the 80's slasher movies. Full of cheese, terrible dialogue, no name actors, and paper thin plots. But today's horror films are so much darker and disturbing. They're no fun. They only serve to take you on a trip to the absolute bottom of morality and make you wallow there. And then they serve up the most realistic gore ever seen and stick your face in it. Why does anyone want to be in that place? How is that entertaining? What part of us does that appeal to?<br><br>Whatever part that may be, I lack it.<br>Vaporman87Oct 28, 2015View
25697Halloween Nostalgia & More!The alternate ending to the original Halloween II. Did Michael survive that fire in the hospital? Find out.<br><br><iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe><br><br><br>Mr MagicOct 28, 2015View
25696Last Movie You Watched<font face="Arial, Verdana"><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">Sudden Death (1995)</span></font><div><font face="Arial, Verdana"><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;"><br></span></font></div><div><font face="Arial, Verdana"><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">8/10 Very good movie. Like die hard but in an arena during a hockey game. Great fight scene in a kitchen with a person in a mascot costume. The two kids were kind of annoying though.</span></font></div>Jrs1991Oct 28, 2015View
25695Halloween Nostalgia & More!<blockquote rel="thecrow174"><b>thecrow174 wrote :</b><br><i> Why do you guys start it so early? I mean, on the 29th instead of the 31st. <img src="" title="<img src='/images/smilies/MavSkeptical.gif'>"> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>It's always on the Thursday before Halloween. I have NO idea why. <img src="">Vaporman87Oct 28, 2015View
25694Halloween Nostalgia & More!Why do you guys start it so early? I mean, on the 29th instead of the 31st. <img src="" title=":skep:">Mr MagicOct 28, 2015View
25693Halloween Nostalgia & More!Tomorrow is THE BIG DAY. Trick-Or-Treating here in R-town starts at 6:00 PM. It's kind of lousy that it always starts at 6:00 PM instead of 7:00 when things are starting to actually get dark, but it is what it is. I'm REALLY hoping the rain stays away. <img src="">Vaporman87Oct 28, 2015View
25692The Café<blockquote rel="shakin steak"><b>shakin steak wrote :</b><br><i> I remain unconvinced of peanut butter's fidelity<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>I feel violated having eaten Peanut Butter - believing he was wholesome and good this whole time. <img src="">Vaporman87Oct 28, 2015View