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Displaying 22591-22600 of 49024 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
27405USA just got dumber. I'm sorry, but it did.I never ate at school. I never really needed that extra meal in the middle of the day. Some kids do though. The school lunch system just amazes me. Let give kids barley 20 mins to eat to keep them going all day. Let's take a note from Europe and have a hour long nap time for everyone.Poshy2005Dec 23, 2015View
27404USA just got dumber. I'm sorry, but it did.School lunch isn't even quality stuff, it's mostly cheap junk. It's always dumb when something like this happens because the schools act like they can't give away their high quality 5 star rated food that was made by the top chefs and with the finest and freshest ingredients that is made there fresh on the spot. I had to get free lunch and in my last year of high school i ended up just giving my code to a friend so he could get free breakfast because i stopped eating lunch at school because lunch was like 15 or 20 minutes long and unless you got to the cafeteria really early you had to wait in a long line to get the food and then pay for it and then find a seat. And by the time you find a seat you only had a few minutes to eat and the food wasn't worth waiting for so i just ate when i got home.Jrs1991Dec 23, 2015View
27403RetroDaze Goodie PacksMe and the kids opened the Goodie pack today...and it is loaded with so much retro goodness! &nbsp;I love telling the jids the stories behind some of the items.<div><br></div><div>Thanks Vaporman fo another awesome set of yesteryear greatness.</div>mickyarberDec 23, 2015View
27402USA just got dumber. I'm sorry, but it did.Sounds like a good solution, Poshy.Mr MagicDec 23, 2015View
27401USA just got dumber. I'm sorry, but it did.My girlfriend is an elementary school teacher. The county policy for her school is that if a child doesn't have money or a lunch, they get a tray of fruits, vegetables, and I believe a cup of water. Its happens all the time and isn't a big deal. The student can't pick from the regular lunch menu, but they aren't forced to go hungry.massrealityDec 23, 2015View
27400Winter 2015/2016<blockquote rel="thecrow174"><b>thecrow174 wrote :</b><br><i> One thing that's stinks about winter is getting shocked while touching some metallic. Ouch! </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>Please, that doesn't hurt! I used to shuffle my feet over the rug and go touch the radiator to see a spark.shakin steakDec 23, 2015View
27399USA just got dumber. I'm sorry, but it did.In all honesty I don't think schools should charge kids for lunch. At least for a basic lunch. Anything extra yes they should charge for. I think it would lessen the stress on a lot of parents if they would do this. Poshy2005Dec 23, 2015View
27398USA just got dumber. I'm sorry, but it did.That's rough. I'm sorry that happened to you, Rick.Mr MagicDec 23, 2015View
27397USA just got dumber. I'm sorry, but it did.I had an incident similar to this back when I was a Freshman in High School. I made lunch for myself one day but I forgot to bring it with me, not finding out about it until I was in the cafeteria for my lunch period. I had no money on me, but I asked a lunch lady if I could just have something and have it charged to my account. She said no.<div><br></div><div>So I didn't eat until I got home. I sat down to have the lunch I packed and my mom asked me if I already ate at school. When I told her I had no money and they wouldn't allow me to charge, she was furious. She called the school to complain, and it turns out that by school policy I should of been allowed something to eat.</div>Rick Ace RhodesDec 23, 2015View
27396Last Movie You Watched<font face="Arial, Verdana"><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">The Christmas Gift (1986)</span></font><div><font face="Arial, Verdana"><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;"><br></span></font></div><div><font face="Arial, Verdana"><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">7/10 Good Christmas tv movie starring john denver. I thought the girl that plays john denver's daughter in this sounded and looked familiar and then i realized that she was the girl in the hugga bunch.</span></font></div>Jrs1991Dec 23, 2015View