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Displaying 22411-22420 of 49023 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
27587Favorite albums of 2015Get in touch.Jrs1991Jan 01, 2016View
27586What song are you listening to?This takes me back to high school.&nbsp; <br><br><iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>AjimboJan 01, 2016View
27585Was 2015 good for you?After 10 years of traveling, I gave up life on the road to be home with the kids more than 2 days every other week. &nbsp;My marriage and home life are so much better for it. &nbsp;I have more time in my wood shop too, and that has been an amazing plus. &nbsp;I got a great job locally with a stable company, and I enjoy being home everyday. &nbsp;You would not know how good the quality of my life is right now. &nbsp;So yes, 2015 was incredibly good for me, and I look forward to what 2016 brings as well.mickyarberJan 01, 2016View
27584Was 2015 good for you?It was a good year mostly. It was way better than 2014 was. <br>pikachuloverJan 01, 2016View
27583Favorite albums of 2015I'm so out of touch when it comes to music.<br>vkimoJan 01, 2016View
27582Favorite albums of 2015Surpisingly a lot. From Wikipedia:<div><br></div><div>Joe Elliott and Rick Savage are from 1977 when the band formed.</div><div>Rick Allen joined the band a year later in 1978.</div><div>Phil Collen joined in 1982.</div><div>And the newest member Vivian Campbell joined in 1992 after Steve Clark died from an overdose.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>They only had three people ever play in the band that aren't currently in it, including Steve Clark.</div>massrealityJan 01, 2016View
27581Help Wanted<blockquote rel="echidna64"><b>echidna64 wrote :</b><br><i> Vkimo is going to be the next Adventure_of_Link! lol<br><br><br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>FWIW, I have extensive forum/message board&nbsp; experience .You might know me from places such as Saturn boards or Zsnes where I go by adventure of link or AOL (Not be confused with the uber outdated ISP) IIRC, this site runs Java so I can easily assist in any or all admin tasks. <br>vkimoJan 01, 2016View
27580Favorite albums of 2015<blockquote rel="massreality"><b>massreality wrote :<br></b>I'll be seeing them in concert here in just a few weeks for the third time.<i><div><b>-end quote</b></div></i></blockquote>Cool. How many of the 80's members are still in the band?<br>Vaporman87Jan 01, 2016View
27579RetroDaze Christmas Special<blockquote rel="thecrow174"><b>thecrow174 wrote :</b><br><i> Great special.<div><br></div><div>Now I know Toy Story originated from The Christmas Toy. They're both so similar.</div> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>Glad you enjoyed it crow. And yes, The Christmas Toy is SO MUCH like Toy Story, it's crazy.<br>Vaporman87Jan 01, 2016View
27578Help Wanted<blockquote rel="kidcoffee"><b>kidcoffee wrote :</b><br><i> It seems like you have things covered, but if you still need help I'm here to serve as best I can. </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote><br><blockquote rel="mickyarber"><b>mickyarber wrote :</b><br><i> Like Ive told you in private, Im willing to help in any way you need it my friend.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>Just let me know if it ever arises.</div> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>That's awesome. Thanks guys. It's nice to know so many are willing to pitch in here and there. I greatly appreciate it.<br>Vaporman87Jan 01, 2016View