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Displaying 22331-22340 of 49022 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
27666The CaféMe, my dad, and other folks were helping to prepare lunch for a family who was attending a funeral, and I noticed a little girl was carrying a Simba doll.<div><br></div><div><img src="/images/postImages/1451948990415t3IuP8zL._SY300_.jpg"></div><div><br></div><div>She looked about 8 years old, and the doll she had looked almost brand new. When I looked at it, two questions were running across my mind:</div><div><br></div><div>1. How could someone as very young as this girl have seen The Lion King, unless her parents introduced it to her?</div><div><br></div><div>2. How can this Simba doll look so new? Any other doll would've gotten rips and cotton coming out of it.</div>Mr MagicJan 04, 2016View
27665Was 2015 good for you?Sorry for your loss, Linux. I hope this year exceeds the last for you. Once again, way to go Caps!Vaporman87Jan 04, 2016View
27664Last TV show you watchedNewhart, Night Court, Wings! Great stuff! Last show I watched was The Goldbergs.Vaporman87Jan 04, 2016View
27663Speaking of EducationI have no doubt that the genetic modifications being made to our food will be harmful down the road. The evidence seems to already be appearing. Vaporman87Jan 04, 2016View
27662The Café:lol: It's sad that it took him so long to realize it was there. Vaporman87Jan 04, 2016View
27661Help WantedI hadn't checked it, but it was either him or Kid C.Vaporman87Jan 04, 2016View
27660Last Movie You WatchedGonna be watching Raiders of the Lost Ark tonight!<div><br></div><div>Although its full of coarse language and imagry, I though Django Unchained was a fantastic movie.</div>mickyarberJan 04, 2016View
27659Was 2015 good for you?Apart from some family arguments and the occasional mistake at work, 2015 was a very good year for me. I did a whole bunch of interviews for Pop Geeks (which reminds me that I need to update the thread I made about those with the more recent interviews I've done). I acquired a whole bunch of autographs, some at the Chiller Theatre convention in Parsippany, NJ, but most through the mail. I attended the wedding of two dear friends and did a reading for them at the ceremony. Finally, the big event for me in 2015 was going from the outside to the inside at work, trading my job as a cart pusher in for a job as a cashier. It's been a learning curve, but even with the mistakes I've made, I'm still loving being a cashier, and I anticipate doing so for many years in the future.<br><br>2016 will also be a big year for me, as this is the year I plan on learning to drive. I was hoping to do that last year, but making the jump from cart pusher to cashier turned out to be more important and more work. I'm determined to learn to drive by Fall. I'll also be doing my first Pop Geeks interview of 2016 tomorrow, and I have quite a few potential interviews in the works for this year.<br>Caps 2.0Jan 04, 2016View
27658Last TV show you watchedThe wife and I have been on a kick of watching retro tv Ive downloaded lately.<div><br></div><div>Last night, it was Batman from 1966 and Black Sheep Squadron.</div><div><br></div><div>Over the weekend, it was Newhart, Wings, Night Court, Seinfeld, and Duke of Hazzard.</div><div><br></div><div>Hard to beat that kind of TV.</div>mickyarberJan 04, 2016View
27657Speaking of EducationWhen engineers and scientists discovered new ways of doing things they only look short term impact.&nbsp; The long term impact is not really seen until years later.&nbsp; It really interesting to see the debates that arise from situations because some people say there is no impact then those who do.&nbsp; <br>Poshy2005Jan 04, 2016View