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Displaying 2161-2170 of 48973 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
48355Uncharted Movie<p>Yeah, I alreay said this over in the discord, but I also wasn&#39;t sold with the casting here. I don&#39;t mind the age thing so much as long as the story was meant to be a &quot;prequel&quot; to the games. Otherwise though, they don&#39;t seem like Nathan and Sully at all.&nbsp;</p> oniparOct 23, 2021View
48354Christmas Nostalgia & More!<p>Wow. That&#39;s pretty neat. I&#39;m always impressed with people who have the patience to put something like that together.</p> massrealityOct 23, 2021View
48353Christmas Nostalgia & More!<p>New from the Lego world.</p> <div data-oembed-url=""> <div class="iframely-embed"> <div class="iframely-responsive" style="padding-bottom:56.2727%; padding-top:120px"><a data-iframely-url="//" href=""></a></div> </div> <script async="" charset="utf-8" src="//"></script> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> Mr MagicOct 23, 2021View
48352Uncharted Movie<p>I fully agree with Jim Henson that video games are a good source for new movies, but massreality is correct, casting is critical. Action/adventure films need actors that embody the qualities that make the movies thrills come alive.</p> <p>This game trailer still sells the idea of the action heroes journey:</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" width="560"></iframe></p> eddstarrOct 23, 2021View
48351Peter Scolari has passed away at age 66<p>Oh yea, he was fantastic. I really wish they&#39;d put it up on Disney+ so more people can be exposed to it. I&#39;m sure it reeks of late 90&#39;s syndication but man it was good time. There is even a great episode with Owen and Bret Hart guest starring.</p> massrealityOct 23, 2021View
48350Peter Scolari has passed away at age 66<p>I knew I wasn&#39;t crazy when I told people that I saw many of the qualities of Rick Moranis in Peter Scolari. The &quot;Honey, I Shrunk The Kids&quot; television series was a natural fit for Peter.</p> eddstarrOct 23, 2021View
48349Halloween Kills (2021)<p>I went and saw it last Friday night. As a life long Halloween fan, I gotta say I didn&#39;t leave disappointed, but I felt like I could write a thirty page paper on the various themes, failures, and attempts the script tried for. I described it to a friend as John Wick + Scary Movie + Jason VI = Halloween Kills and a week later I still think that is a pretty good description. The movie did some things really right, and some things very wrong. I&#39;m excited to see what someone can do with a fan edit down the road.</p> massrealityOct 23, 2021View
48348Uncharted Movie<p>Ya know, I love the Uncharted series and I&#39;ve been excited for an Indiana Jones style movie since they began rumbling about possibly doing a movie, but I really feel like this movie is miscast. Nathan Drake is just way too young as well as Sully. I also haven&#39;t seen Tom Holland act like anything other than Tom Holland/Spiderman and I&#39;m just not sure he has the range for the sarcastic, dashing hero I know from the games. I&#39;m really holding out hope it&#39;ll be good, but I wouldn&#39;t put money on it.</p> massrealityOct 23, 2021View
48347Peter Scolari has passed away at age 66<p>I was a huge fan of his performance in the underrated Honey I Shrunk the Kids TV series. Sad to see him go.</p> massrealityOct 23, 2021View
48346I don't believe it.<p>Hey Vaporman, it&#39;s Mel Brooks. Watching Part I&nbsp;will not be required.&nbsp;<img src="" /></p> eddstarrOct 23, 2021View