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Forum » Chew The Fat » Uncharted Movie

The Uncharted live action film is set to release on February 18th with its first trailer being released today. Will you be seeing it?

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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:

Ya know, I love the Uncharted series and I've been excited for an Indiana Jones style movie since they began rumbling about possibly doing a movie, but I really feel like this movie is miscast. Nathan Drake is just way too young as well as Sully. I also haven't seen Tom Holland act like anything other than Tom Holland/Spiderman and I'm just not sure he has the range for the sarcastic, dashing hero I know from the games. I'm really holding out hope it'll be good, but I wouldn't put money on it.

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I fully agree with Jim Henson that video games are a good source for new movies, but massreality is correct, casting is critical. Action/adventure films need actors that embody the qualities that make the movies thrills come alive.

This game trailer still sells the idea of the action heroes journey:


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Yeah, I alreay said this over in the discord, but I also wasn't sold with the casting here. I don't mind the age thing so much as long as the story was meant to be a "prequel" to the games. Otherwise though, they don't seem like Nathan and Sully at all. 

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