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Displaying 2101-2110 of 48973 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
48417The Café<p>seems my grandma is showing more and more of her dementia as the years go by. so she&#39;s got a serious grudge against my mom. i know it might sound cold coming from me, but i&#39;m actually looking forward to her dying so this drama would just end already.</p> BenjanimeOct 30, 2021View
48416The Café<p>Yeah if the talent is there, then practicing it over and over definitely helps.</p> Vaporman87Oct 30, 2021View
48414Halloween Forever<p>&nbsp;</p> <blockquote><strong>Benjanime wrote :</strong> <p><em>there&#39;s actually an indie game on the nintendo switch that&#39;s called halloween forever</em></p> &nbsp; <p><em><img alt="" height="275" src="" width="489" /></em></p> <br /> <strong>-end quote</strong></blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Hey Ben, forgot to tell ya, my Switch unit is stuck in transit. Delivery date TBA.&nbsp;</p> <p>Looking forwardto some Halloween Forever action!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Can&#39;t have Halloween without witches, and Bewitched brought two of my favorite TV witches together in the &quot;Storybook&quot; episode.</p> <p>Billie Hayes was one of the best witch laughter actors in the business!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" width="560"></iframe></p> eddstarrOct 30, 2021View
48413Buzz Lightyear film<p>Yeah, the move away from &quot;cartooney&quot; to realism is prime to game play expansion.&nbsp;</p> eddstarrOct 29, 2021View
48412Buzz Lightyear film<p>watch it get the inevitable licensed video game adaptation treatment with a bad camera, using scenes from the movie and recreating each moment from the movie through repetitive gameplay :lol:</p> BenjanimeOct 29, 2021View
48411Halloween Forever<p>there&#39;s actually an indie game on the nintendo switch that&#39;s called halloween forever</p> <p><img alt="" height="275" src="" width="489" /></p> BenjanimeOct 29, 2021View
484109 overtimes?!<p>I thought you were a USC fan, pika. Or do you like both schools?</p> Mr MagicOct 29, 2021View
48409Buzz Lightyear film<p>This seems like a very blatent but also very weird cash-in attempt. As far as I know Toy Story never said that Buzz Lightyear&nbsp;in the Toy Story was based off a real person in that universe.</p> <p>It seems like they are trying to do what they did with Buzz Lightyear of Star Command but with a much odder spin that doesn&#39;t make any sense the more you think about it. I&#39;d rather they just revive that BLSC cartoon for a new generation.</p> Rick Ace RhodesOct 29, 2021View
48408Halloween Nostalgia & More!<p>Oh No!</p> <p>I&#39;m praying the hospital results differ. I&#39;m guessing the testing was in response to symptoms?&nbsp;</p> eddstarrOct 29, 2021View
48407Sci-Fi Halloween<p>&nbsp;</p> <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" width="560"></iframe><img alt="" src="" /></p> eddstarrOct 29, 2021View