You will
never be
Bah Humbug!


Timewarp: Toys R Us 1987


Forum » Retro T.V. & Movies » Halloween Forever


How many times have I said, "the 20th century is a tough act to follow"?

What really gets to me is knowing that my stories about the glory days of Saturday Morning Navana are met with disbelief, "nothing was ever that good", I hear skeptics saying.

Well here's all the proof I need - When Halloween was Forever!


Question: What happens when you mash Christmas and Halloween together?

Answer: Slunečný hrob, from the 1969 Czech band, Blue Effect.

(ps; I don't understand a word of Czech!

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i don't think there'll ever be any horror villain as menacing as the hash slinging slasher.

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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:
Mr Magic

Working the Graveyard Shift has never been scarier.

Benjanime wrote :

i don't think there'll ever be any horror villain as menacing as the hash slinging slasher.

-end quote


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"Magic can happen to you."


Oops . . . don't turn on the lights yet!

Looks like Slasher's gonna need a bigger spatula, cuz there's:

"Big Trouble in Little China" - 1986

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there's actually an indie game on the nintendo switch that's called halloween forever

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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:


Benjanime wrote :

there's actually an indie game on the nintendo switch that's called halloween forever


-end quote


Hey Ben, forgot to tell ya, my Switch unit is stuck in transit. Delivery date TBA. 

Looking forwardto some Halloween Forever action!



Can't have Halloween without witches, and Bewitched brought two of my favorite TV witches together in the "Storybook" episode.

Billie Hayes was one of the best witch laughter actors in the business!


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Ghost Towns are very creepy . . .

. . . but not as scary as 1958 Packards!

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