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Displaying 14701-14710 of 49044 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
35527How was your day?I went for a walk today and I heard a woodpecker pecking on one of the trees. It was either that or the Predator stalking me lol.<div><br></div><div>They make the same noise.</div>Mr MagicMay 08, 2017View
35526Famous Families<div>The Partridge family.</div><div><br></div><img src="" alt="Image result for the partridge family">Mr MagicMay 08, 2017View
35525What things from the 2000s will people be nostalgic about one day?<img src="/images/postImages/1494208300george-lucas-now-and-then-thumb-450x355.jpg">echidna64May 08, 2017View
35524What things from the 2000s will people be nostalgic about one day?Reguarding the prequel trilogy, another reason why I believe it ended up being as bad as it is, is due to George Lucas' creative control, and how he's, at this point in time, considered a legend. A god filmmaker who can do no wrong.<div><br></div><div>When Lucas was working on the original trilogy, it wasn't just him that worked on it, but a whole team that worked alongside him. For that, his crew was not afraid to give Lucas some constructive criticism, and tell him what they think would work and what they think wouldn't. That type of peer review is how the original trilogy ended up being as good as it is.</div><div><br></div><div>Fast-forward 16 years after Return of the Jedi came out, and Lucas was mostly credited as the mastermind behind Star Wars... and when the prequel trilogy was in development, he worked with a much younger crew. Because they weren't with him in the original trilogy, his crew saw Lucas as this legendary filmmaker, and for that, they wouldn't give him any constructive criticism, because when you're on top of the world like he is, you just simply can't question his genius. That's where we ended up with Jar-Jar, and the bad writing, because everything was being done by George Lucas. It wasn't peer reviewed like the original trilogy is, and that's why I think the prequel trilogy ended up being as awful as it is.</div>blueluigiMay 08, 2017View
35523Coca-Cola<div>Another Coke flavor I wish was still around.</div><div><br></div><img src="">Mr MagicMay 08, 2017View
35522What things from the 2000s will people be nostalgic about one day?Remakes galore.<div><br></div><div><img src=""></div><div><br></div><div><br></div>Mr MagicMay 08, 2017View
35521What things from the 2000s will people be nostalgic about one day?<div>yeah, the prequels are kind of hard to sit through. lucas had such a long gap to work on these after episode VI and the first ten minutes of episode I was already a bad sign. oh, and my parents were evil enough to give me a jar jar binks talking alarm clock during christmas of '99.</div><div><br></div><div><img src="/images/postImages/1494205403jarjaralarm.jpg"></div>BenjanimeMay 08, 2017View
35520What things from the 2000s will people be nostalgic about one day?Just as a response and maybe we can open a thread on the Star Wars prequels, but here's my two cents-<div style="font-style: normal;"><br></div><div style="font-style: normal;">I actually hate them MORE than when they first came out. Especially, after the Force Awakens which was a competently made addition to the Star Wars Universe.&nbsp;</div><div style="font-style: normal;"><br></div><div style="font-style: normal;"><img src="/images/postImages/1494204267grandpa_simpson_yelling_at_cloud10.jpg"></div><div style="font-style: normal;"><br></div><div>My problem with the prequel series is this- <i>Why do they exist</i>?</div><div><br></div><div>It is supposed to be a Darth Vader origin story. Think about that versus what we actually got.</div><div><br></div><div>Anakin is easily the WORST part of the prequels and Darth Vader only shows up in the last 10 seconds of Revenge of the Sith.&nbsp;</div><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;"><br></span></div><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">They had three movies to tell this origin story and halfway through revenge of the Sith they have this arbitrary rule that Jedis weren't allowed to fall in love and THIS made him join the dark side?! It's enough to make you yell HACK at the movie screen.</span></div><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;"><br></span></div><div><img src="/images/postImages/1494205005star-wars-prequel-memes-smarter-than-this.jpg"></div>echidna64May 08, 2017View
35519Free Comic Book Day<p>Closest shop to me is in Athens, Ohio... and it looks like it's more of a D&D den than a comic shop now</p>Vaporman87May 08, 2017View
35518Free Comic Book Daymy local library once hosted a free comic book day, complete with boxes of regular comics to purchase. scored a couple of spawn and batman comics but they didn't last long in my house lol. parents sold 'em at a yard sale to try to make ends meet paying off bills while i was in school.BenjanimeMay 08, 2017View