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Displaying 4521-4530 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
801ArticleMr MagicI remember a couple of costumes I wore from my trick-or-treating days. In '92, I was Penguin from Batman Returns, and a couple of years later, I was Red Ranger from Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. In the first picture towards the end of the article, it looks like Mark approached Casper the Friendly Ghost lol. But anyway, it was a good, well-written article. I like. Oct 01, 2013View
800ArticleVaporman87This was a fun read. I'm like you, I have so few memories of my Trick-or-Treat outings. Sure, there are some there... like the time I have mentioned before where we soaped a neighbor's tractor and garage windows (who me?), or some of the masks I wore-including a most memorable one that was hideous and had light up eyes. But unfortunately they are so few and far between, and it makes me sad that I can't recall more. I can go back to my Cub Scout days and remember being at a cabin that was made into a haunted house for us, and being afraid to go in. They also did this at our grade school, sometimes having the haunted house in a classroom, and other times on the stage in the gymnasium. It is fun now though, taking my kids through the neighborhood, all of us dressing in a theme (Star Wars this year). I'm making new Halloween memories, and letting my kids do the actual begging for the candy. ;)Benjanime's Halloween RetrospectiveOct 01, 2013View
799VideoPastGardenAwesome!Pizza Hut Crash Bandicoot commercialOct 01, 2013View
798VideoPastGardenGood film.Oliver And CompanyOct 01, 2013View
797VideoPastGardenAaahhh! Real MonstersNickelodeon 1994 Year in ReviewOct 01, 2013View
796VideoOldSchool80sAwesome work!RetroDaze ProductionsSep 26, 2013View
795VideoarizvegaCool!RetroDaze ProductionsSep 21, 2013View
794ArticleSegaFanaticJust discovered this. Glad you're writing articles again! Great read!Masters of the Toybox Sep 12, 2013View
793ArticleMr MagicSorry to go off-topic, but I'd like to see WWE revived. If you watch Raw or Smackdown, then you know what I mean.A Look at SNICKSep 10, 2013View
791ArticleVaporman87@crow: Like a lot of things that die. Perhaps one day it will be revived in the same way that many things have been of late. One can hope.A Look at SNICKSep 10, 2013View