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Displaying 4071-4080 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1285ArticleVaporman87Indubitably. I see scenes from things like Saw and think UGH!!! It's all about trying to make it seem as real and awful as possible. Looking back on the slasher films of the past, there was the effort to make it look real, but it was still like trying to believe that that guy in the Godzilla suit really was smashing buildings. There was no way your mind could be tricked into disgust because the it was all still fake looking. Nowadays, it looks so real, and my mind can handle it. Not to mention, as Hoju did, that there is just no "fun" in it. No humor. Just sheer disgust and vileness. Halloween should be about fun first, frights second.  Sep 20, 2014View
1284ArticlevkimoI agree 110% on how modern horror lacks charisma and that right mix of 11 herbs and spices. If I want to get grossed out I'll just around looking for roadkill!What to Watch on HalloweenSep 20, 2014View
1283ArticleHoju KoolanderHa, I totally remember that Crystal Gravy parody commercial on SNL Vaporman. So wrong, but so hilarious. One of the few variation I tried back in the day was the Caffein Free version of Crystal Pepsi, because I wasn't allowed to have actual cola. It was pretty unique, but I wouldn't say good. These Beverages Need to Join the ReSurgenceSep 19, 2014View
1282ArticleVaporman87Uhg. Jolt! Terrible stuff. Still, I have a feeling those of us who remember it would by a 12 pack of it just for the heck of it. Now Ecto-Cooler on the other hand, I could see it having staying power IF they kept the Slimer/Ecto-Cooler branding. People having been clamoring for it for years (None moreso than Matt at DinoDrac - I think he might actually cry if they ever brought it back). Crystal Pepsi was cool, but like you said... it was basically Pepsi with no color. Nothing to write home about, but a neat gimmick for it's time. I am reminded of SNL's parody of the Crystal Pepsi schtick when they did the commercial for "Clear Gravy". LOL. Something about that was so gross... and just wrong. These Beverages Need to Join the ReSurgenceSep 19, 2014View
1281ArticleHoju KoolanderInteresting theme. Among my favorite green toys growing up were my Mego Hulk doll (yes, he was a doll), Swamp Thing with the retractable arm and Yoda from the original Kenner Star Wars line. I never even noticed that the Turtles had different shades of green, what a revelation.Toys Go Green!Sep 18, 2014View
1280ArticleThatDudeintheHoodieI'm definitely checking out the movie. 90's Vs: Goosebumps vs Are You Afraid of the DarkSep 18, 2014View
1279ArticleMr MagicComing next summer, a Goosebumps movie!'s Vs: Goosebumps vs Are You Afraid of the DarkSep 18, 2014View
1278ArticleThatDudeintheHoodieI saw a few episodes of goosebumps when I was a kid during it's regular run. But I saw the whole series when I was much older when Cartoon Network started airing them throughout October. Though The Haunting Hour is pretty good. If you liked Goosebumps I recommend The Haunting Hour.90's Vs: Goosebumps vs Are You Afraid of the DarkSep 18, 2014View
1277ArticleFulton4VGoosebumps was my favorite of these shows, probably because I had read some of the books after my aunt had purchased them for me.90's Vs: Goosebumps vs Are You Afraid of the DarkSep 18, 2014View
1276ArticleFulton4VOne of our neighbors was always setting up something like a haunted trail that let to their front door. So you had to make it through that to get to their house for the candy. I dont know if somethign like that would go over today or not as kids seem to only want to get the candy as quickly as possible. Houses of HauntSep 18, 2014View