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Displaying 3651-3660 of 5258 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1760Articleshakin steakWell, I'm an eastcoaster and I've definitely never heard of this. Jan 05, 2015View
1759ArticleVaporman87I've received some pretty disappointing gifts on my birthdays. Typically they were clothing items (which I DESPISED getting for any occasion outside of purposefully accompanying a parent into a store for that sole reason). However, the most disappointment I ever remember feeling after having received a gift was an elementary school Christmas gift exchange. I remember seeing my friends opening gifts that I thought were pretty neat, and hoping I too got a good one. But the person who had drawn my name was one of the less fortunate students, and his gift was naturally that of a child in his predicament. Used and dirty. I think it was a Star Wars action figure (at least that was the scale of it, the Kenner 3 3/4" figs). Out of the package, terribly used, and in a plain brown box with tape keeping it closed. Much as I tried to hold it back, the tears came forth. I felt embarrassment that I was the only one in my class with such a gift. As a child, it's difficult to understand why something better could not be afforded. I wish I could have a redo on that and just show some appreciation... rise above the embarrassment. But what's done is done.Birthday Or BUST!Jan 05, 2015View
1758ArticleVaporman87Rowsdowermoblile... away!!! American GladiatorsJan 03, 2015View
1757ArticleHoju KoolanderHoju Koolander Posted on Jan 03, 2015 at 04:19 AM @pikachulover Sky was appropriately named, she had good reach in The Wall and Hang Tough. I did actually catch an episode of Gladiators 2000, but the educational element took away the fun for me. GUTS on Nickelodeon was more my style, but came at the end of my Nick watching phase so I only saw it a few times. Thanks for mentioning it and the Hulk Hogan hosted reboot. @vaporman87 "Rowsdower!" oh, I own The Final Sacrifice on DVD, but I never made the Csonka Connection. It's funny how the brain can miss things like that. I had a hard time finding an attractive female Gladiator to crush on, but I always thought Lace was okay, since she was just fit and not ripped. My favorite male Gladiator was actually Hawk from the later seasons, he had a lot of energy and a little touch of crazy that made him extra cool.American GladiatorsJan 03, 2015View
1754ArticlepikachuloverI liked American Gladiators as a kid. My favorite was Sky because she was really tall and the kids at school used to think I would grow up to be like seven feet! Sorry to say I only grew to be 5'7". When I was kid I wanted to be on a Gladiator on the show. I'm surprised you didn't write about the kids' show Gladiators 2000. I liked that show. They would teach me about proper hygiene and nutrition. Do anybody remember when it was spoofed in Eek the Cat? Sharky watched a show called Patriotic Warriors and his favorite was named Platinum. When the revived version came out on NBC it wasn't as good. I didn't like that version. American GladiatorsJan 03, 2015View
1753ArticleVaporman87Sweet! I can't say I watched American Gladiators religiously, but whenever I saw it on as I flipped through channels, I stopped to see the action. My favorite events were usually the jousting and assault segments, but I also like the even where the contestant had to swing across on ropes, trying to avoid the Gladiator. There were times that I wondered if the Gladiator was not quite giving it his/her all. Like, maybe they had to hold back a bit at a director/producer's request in order to make the show exciting. I don't know though. I haven't heard anything like that from any former Gladiators or folks on the show. Still, who knows. My favorite Gladiators were Blaze and Siren (because I thought they were attractive). Among the male Gladiators, I really didn't have a favorite. My favorite event was Assault. How I wished I could be a part of that one! Watching this show was never the same for me after watching the MST3K episode "The Final Sacrifice". In that episode (if you haven't watched it, you absolutely MUST!) Mike and the Bots constantly refer to Larry Csonka because the main character's dad looks exactly like him in a photo. Just a funny little tidbit there for you to chew on. Anybody who might suggest that the competition was never fierce on the show might want to <a href="">watch this clip.</a> American GladiatorsJan 02, 2015View
1752ArticleHoju Koolander@BarryBgb Glad you had good memories at TRU. I got to work there for one holiday season and tried to keep that same sense of wonder as I was stocking the shelves and helping kids find their favorite toys.Timewarp: Toys R Us 1987Jan 02, 2015View
1751ArticleHoju Koolander@Fulton4V Yeah, the kids don't seem to appreciate the production aspect as much, but the parent's sure do. We got a lot of comments at our house this year for our Haunted Graveyard with serial killer motif.Houses of HauntJan 02, 2015View
1750ArticleHoju Koolander@NLogan I also ate french fries while listening to The Shadow, but not fancy homemmade style, that's sounds great. I had to settle for McDonald's while sitting in my Dad's car listening to the broadcasts over the radio. Although I did eventually buy a set of cassettes that showcased 2 episodes from each actor to play The Shadow over the years.Halloween Hallelujah!Jan 02, 2015View
1749ArticleHoju Koolander@comic_book_fan That's a pretty devoted brother, you have there. VHS tape transfer sounds like quite a procedure. I thought those X-Men video had the coolest cover design with that matte black finish and just the red in the image behind the X.Pizza Hut PromotionsJan 02, 2015View