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Displaying 2531-2540 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
2985ArticleNLoganA little weirded out hearing the Koolander's voice. Not exactly what I pictured my favorite black suited wall crawler's voice to be. Now we have seen the videos and pictures, now we have the adult voice. Next we will have your soul (read of course in an Andre the Giant as Fezzik as the Dread Pirate Robert's voice). <br><iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe> Oct 21, 2015View
2984ArticleNLoganMy favorite Madonna songs are La Isla Bonita, Crazy for you, Get into the Groove, Live to Tell, Open your Heart, Lucky Star, and Cherish.Top 10 Madonna Songs from the 80s and 90sOct 21, 2015View
2982ArticleVaporman87A perfect article for Back To The Future Day! Thanks for making it official here at the Daze. I'm looking forward to hearing your new Podcast. I think it's a fun idea for a theme, and one I'd be interested in listening to when time allows.Back To The Future MemoriesOct 21, 2015View
2981ArticleVaporman87Funny thing about "Who's That Girl"... my best friend and I used to loathe that song and the movie. When it was released, we poked fun at it endlessly. We went so far as to make it a running gag in some of our "radio broadcasts" (just us pretending to have a radio show recorded on cassette tapes). Usually it ended up being something about Madonna being sued or Madonna suing someone else over the song or the movie. I still don't care for Madonna, but she sure made for some great kid humor fodder.Top 10 Madonna Songs from the 80s and 90sOct 21, 2015View
2980ArticleGoonieGirlI don't know what you do for a living... but if it's not writing young adult fiction, you should consider a career change. This is the best fiction I've read in awhile. Nice work. Fright Night - A Retro NarrativeOct 19, 2015View
2979ArticleGoonieGirlThanks Vaporman87. Not too bad for a first artical attempt. It's been a long time since I've done anything creative. You are correct in thinking "Janie" (name changed to protect the innocent [me]) was a questionable friend... Thankfully we grew apart over our middle school years- she got in a LOT of trouble in high school (as you can imagine, starting a life of crime at age 10 gave her a lot of time to hone her skills) Hoju! You just HAD to "out" me as your wife on my very first article! Now everyone will think you said nice things just so you didn't have to sleep on the couch! In any case, praise appreciated ;) DirtyD79, Yeah, lots cold Halloweens. I also remember throwing the left over Easter Egg dye out into the snow most years... Halloween: 10 year old terrorOct 19, 2015View
2978ArticleoniparNope, no more prizes in cereal as far as I know. :-(Halloween Promotional Items of the 80s and 90sOct 19, 2015View
2977ArticleDirtyD79Batman was one of my favorite movies I saw as a kid. I think we watched it a couple of times at the drive-in that summer. I remember hearing in the months leading up to it people would actually go to theaters and buy tickets just to watch the previews for the Batman movie then walk out when the preview was over. I still have the VHS copy although my VCR kinda died a few years ago so I bought the four pack of Batman movie DVDs from Wal-mart a year ago.Batman '89 RememberedOct 19, 2015View
2976ArticleDirtyD79You got snowed on too during a Halloween? Geez, I seriously wonder why they don't move Halloween to like July or something. Even when it ain't snowing it's still chilly out up in the Northeast part of the country.Halloween: 10 year old terrorOct 19, 2015View
2975vhsCoverjkatzPersis Khambatta was a serious hottie back in the day. Ever see Megaforce? She's probably the best thing about that movie!Warrior Of the Lost WorldOct 18, 2015View