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Displaying 2161-2170 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
3419ArticleChesI don't think Paul was acting out, to be honest... I believe he just did what he wanted to do without giving it a second thought. Anyway, we'll never know what was on his mind back then. Gotta admit, this story captivates me, and so does this whole Pee-wee's Herman universe... Thank you for the article, it was a good read. Mar 05, 2016View
3418ArticleVaporman87Casting King Kong Bundy in Married With Children was a stroke of genius on the part of Fox. But the role given to Piper just seems odd. More like something that would have appeared in the live action Tick series. Also... Pudface. Just... Pudface. LOL5 Pro Wrestlers In Prime TimeMar 05, 2016View
3417ArticleVaporman87@Mickey: Didn't know you were a 70's baby Mick. Awesome. We 70's babies got to have the full 80's youth experience!China TownMar 05, 2016View
3416ArticlemickyarberWelcome! Good effort on your first article. I too once had a place like that I could visit. It was called Buck Fever for some d*mn reason. It was in the early 90's, and that store was capitalizing on the hot markets for sports cards and comic books. I remember my older brother and his best friend taking me there the day Superman #75 came out and I was instantly hooked. We would go every other week when they got paid and drop some cash. At the time, we lived about a half hour away from that store. Now, I live just 5 minutes from there and pass it on the way to the kids school and back...and a lot of times driving by, I shudder when I look over and see an insurance office where the great Buck Fever used to be.Blast to the Past!Mar 05, 2016View
3415ArticlemickyarberBack in '88 while going through NYC, my family got lost in Chinatown. That was kinda scary to a 10 year old. Really fun article.China TownMar 04, 2016View
3414Articlemunkysrench"I was neglected by my older siblings" --- I resent that! Lol. I do remember when it was out for a while and you had started collecting/trading cards that first year. I wasn't sure if you were actually playing the card game, or just collecting them just to have them. Actually, I still don't know. I know we didn't bond much as kids, with what different likes we had, but I still loved you bud. I'm glad you lived with me for those 5 years, because we had bonded so much. Another great read, allowing me to stroll down another one of many memories in our home.20 years of Pok'emon: Looking back to the franchise as an adultMar 04, 2016View
3413ArticlemunkysrenchThis is one Christmas special I'm glad I missed after reading your review. Good read, budAdventures of Sonic the Hedgehog - Sonic Christmas BlastMar 04, 2016View
3412ArticleRick Ace Rhodes@massreality True, but I feel like their consoles haven't been up to par for years now. They might have the money, but I honestly get the feeling if they don't get their act together on the consoles their more then likely to drop them and port all their licensed characters else well.Encountering The JaguarMar 01, 2016View
3411ArticlemassrealityI remember drooling all over the video game case at Toys R Us when I first saw the Jaguar. It was just so different I couldn't help but want it. Of course, it was crazy expensive and I was just a kid so I didn't get it. That hasn't stopped me from wanting one all these years later. I've read the reviews and I know its a waste of plastic. Still, its just that one Holy Grail from my childhood that I never got. One day, I'll own a Jaguar. I gotta say @Rick Ace Rhodes, you are wrong about Nintendo following suit soon. They have enough money in the bank to run a deficit for over thirty years before running into issues. They are also a company that better managed than either Sega or Atari. Encountering The JaguarMar 01, 2016View
3410ArticleRick Ace RhodesI still can't believe it's been 20 years. It feels just like yesterday I was watching the original series on Kids WB.20 years of Pok'emon: Looking back to the franchise as an adultMar 01, 2016View