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Displaying 1951-1960 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
3645ArticleRick Ace RhodesI've tried getting into M.A.S.K. since I was a fan of it's sequel Vor-Tech. But I just couldn't do it. It seemed just far too cheesy in some regards compared to other 80's cartoons. I never really got that feeling when I used to watch old episodes of things like the original Transformers series or GI Joe series on YouTube. It also seemed kind of bland in some regards. Dec 31, 2016View
3644ArticleNLoganSomehow M.A.S.K. was one of the only properties in the 80s that I wasn't fully immersed in. The only possible explanation is that some other show that I was more interested in was on in the same time slot. I was aware of it and may have even watched a few episodes, but only dimly remember it. As for the toy line I had 1.5 pieces. I remember looking at the toys in the toy aisle but never purchased or asked for any. I had a Hocus Pocus yellow little man with a small mask that I found on the playground once. Because he was tiny compared with my He-Man, Star Wars, and GI*JOE figures he was rarely played with. As an adult I bought an Indiana Jones Lost Temple of Akator playset for my sons. Wanting, hoping for the new film to be as good as the originals and getting some Indy figures for my boys where I as a child missed out on the Kenner figures and had none. I am not sure how or where I became aware that it was in fact the Kenner M.A.S.K. Boulder Hill playset re-purposed by Hasbro who would also use it again for their Star Wars property as a Mustafar final battle playset on the lava world of the prequels. The thing that resonates, I suppose, with me about this article is the feeling of wanting, hoping. That while in the present they are strip mining our childhood cartoons and toy lines for current marketable properties, that they stay faithful, close to the originals. There is always a spark of nostalgia when I see something I am familiar with come up again, a feeling of dread when I know they will probably mess it up by not coming close to the originals, and the let down and disappointment of being proven right as beloved characters are drastically changed.The Rebirth of M.A.S.K. and the Nostalgia StruggleDec 31, 2016View
3643ArticleVaporman87Before the disastrous server screw up with KnownHost, there was a forum thread in which I ranted about the new comic. I too am a big M.A.S.K. fan (probably my favorite toy line/cartoon of the past, second only to Masters of the Universe. I was anticipating a revival of everything familiar, only to see that a lot of things had been changed. I think the straw that broke the camel's back for me was changing Matt Trakker into an African-American. If the writers wanted to make the property more diverse, more power to them. But do it with a NEW character! Don't go making major changes to the old ones. Make your new leader a disciple of the original Matt Trakker, or a friend... or anything but the actual Matt Trakker! Understand that my sense of aversion to these types of changes are heightened because of the world we live in now, with it's precious snowflake infested safe spacer political correctness running amok. Not to mention I found this out around the same time I was finding out that Iron Man was now a young woman of color. What?! So yeah, the changes that were made to the characters and their stories/motivations were too great for me to overcome, and in my view totally unnecessary (kinda like an all female Ghostbusters movie).The Rebirth of M.A.S.K. and the Nostalgia StruggleDec 31, 2016View
3642ArticleVaporman87Another Hoju classic that I'm glad to see back up again.Family Road TripsDec 31, 2016View
3641ArticleVaporman87These concert experience articles were a lot of fun. I'm glad they are back up on the site again!90's Concert Experiences Part 1Dec 31, 2016View
3640ArticleDirtyD79lol I like the line about the dude doing Shakespeare in the park is actually livin' in it. I googled Shakespeare in The Park to find out if that's real and was surprised to find out it totally is. Toy Talk with Miss M- Reunion SpecialDec 30, 2016View
3639ArticleNLoganYeah that is a Monkian augmenting my brother's forces with his Cyclops. I had Lion-O assisting my side of the battle with a Minotaur.NLogan's Christmas at Grandma's HouseDec 28, 2016View
3638ArticleSuperman@Hoju - Yeah, he really was a great grandpa, and it is kind of nice to be reminded of him whenever I see a snowman, even all these years later.The First Snowman I Ever BuiltDec 26, 2016View
3636ArticleHoju KoolanderWow, I was not expecting that heartfelt turn. What a great Grandpa, though I'm sorry you never got to build the Snowman both him. Wish I had been that close with any of my Grandparents, what a special bond to have and to be able to be reminded of him every time you see a Snowman as the years go on.The First Snowman I Ever BuiltDec 26, 2016View
3635ArticleHoju KoolanderThanks for this eye opening look at the fat man in a red suit we take for granted every December. I never would have guessed that throwing Thor's dad, a gift giving Christ Child and fashionable Spanish saint into a blender would give birth to Santa Claus. Very cool.The History of ChristmasDec 24, 2016View