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Displaying 1801-1810 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
3805ArticleLazloThanks, OldSchool80s. Its really all about Rock, and it could have been about U2, or Led Zeppelin, or the Police, or the Talking Heads, or the Rolling Stones, or the Beatles. It was (and still is) a great form of music, and the Rock era was a great time to be young.  Mar 29, 2017View
3804ArticleHoju Koolander@Caps 2.0 So basically you were "The Kid" from the movie and got to use Dick Tracy's name in real life? That's awesome! Maybe you should try to set-up one of your famous interviews with that child actor, Charlie Korsmo, since he was also in Hook and What About Bob?Antique Store Finds: Dick Tracy MemorabiliaMar 26, 2017View
3803Articleshakin steakHoju Koolander! Thanks for reply. I know what you mean about giving up dreams... there was a song in grade school chorus that was really inspirational. I tried to realistically figure out how I could get enough money to accomplish my dream of obtaining enough money ($90) to buy a Gameboy... I gave up on that pretty quick, lolHalftone WondersMar 26, 2017View
3802Articleshakin steakHey NLogan, no kidding! I wonder what one of those $1.00 Marvel membership cards would go for on eBay now. A lot more than a buck, I bet! jkatz -- I'm sure they did that for legal reasons. As far as the new-old stock...probably long dispersed by now, if there even was much made and unsold in the first place. I don't guess there was a lot, but I could be wrong.Halftone WondersMar 26, 2017View
3800ArticleCaps 2.0I loved Dick Tracy so much that, for the first half of my second grade year, I signed all my papers as Dick Tracy. The teachers, although they wanted me to use my birth name, were understanding. That was probably my first time that I wanted to separate myself from my birth name. While my birth name is still my legal name, I rarely introduce myself to people under my birth name anymore. I now use the name Johnny Caps in my writing and on my social media. Feel free to send me a friend request on Facebook, Hoju. I'd be interested in learning more about your writing process. Antique Store Finds: Dick Tracy MemorabiliaMar 26, 2017View
3799ArticleHoju Koolander@oldschool80s Sounds like a cool collector's item. I had no idea they were doing midnight screenings of new films that far back. @jkatz Yeah, I actually got the Dick Tracy NES game recently and man, is it a bummer. I like the varied gameplay and mystery concept, but all the snipers on the rooftop are ridiculous.Antique Store Finds: Dick Tracy MemorabiliaMar 23, 2017View
3798ArticleOldSchool80sRemember him well as Billy Bear in 48 Hrs. and then of course from Predator. Had not known what had happened to him, so thanks for the update (although a little sad).Washed Up Celebrities: Sonny LandhamMar 23, 2017View
3797ArticleOldSchool80sI saw a special midnight premiere showing of the film with a group of friends because it was so hyped. I remember being a little disappointed compared to what my expectations were, but that it was still a fun time. I received a special t-shirt for attending this showing and I believe I still have it packed away somewhere.Antique Store Finds: Dick Tracy MemorabiliaMar 23, 2017View
3796ArticleOldSchool80sNice article, Lazlo. I have never really been a big fan of Pink Floyd, but I totally understand what you are talking about.Still Rock and Roll To MeMar 23, 2017View
3795ArticleOldSchool80sI was always more of a Marvel guy than DC, but I was partial to team-ups. Liked Avengers and JLA, but any issue with a crossover or another character making appearance was always cool. Loved stuff like Secret Wars, Contest of Champions, etc. Those favorites from childhood are still ones I remain loyal/partial to after all of these years. They will always hold a special place for me.The Beginning of My Comic Fandom Mar 23, 2017View