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Displaying 1031-1040 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
4051ArticleVaporman87Good luck in your future endeavors TDitH. I hope they bring you enjoyment, if nothing else. Aug 22, 2017View
4052ArticleVaporman87I think we all found inspiration in some form of cartoon in our youth. For me, it was He-Man and various superheroes, but for some it is something more humorous and childlike. Whatever the case may be, those first characters always seem to leave the biggest mark, even if they aren't exactly our best efforts. Lars Dakota: The lost original characterAug 22, 2017View
4053ArticleVaporman87Sun Man is hilariously awesome! I didn't start branching out into sillier shapes and more cartoon-like characters until much later. I was so focused on the He-Man/Superhero style of character for so long, I didn't much consider anything else. But when I did, that is when I realized that I should have done it much sooner. It fit my style better. The Saga of Sun ManAug 22, 2017View
4071ArticleVaporman87Ha! That is absolutely priceless. This reminds me soooo much of the horror stories that my best friend and I wrote in elementary school and into junior high. I lost all of those stories in a move, but I can remember bits and pieces. Thank you for sharing that NLogan. That was great.Haunted Hotel an 11 year old's narrativeAug 26, 2017View
4072ArticleVaporman87Nothing seem to stir creative juices more than inner turmoil. There is definitely a lot going on behind all this. That much is pretty obvious. Looking at it with no knowledge of the events that inspired it, it just seems like a boy's wildly creative mind putting pen to paper. It's teen vkimo at his best. Me, Myself and MacReiAug 26, 2017View
4073ArticleVaporman87Russell may have moved on to bigger and better things, but he will forever live in your memories. And now here... too. Memorialized for posterity here, forever. Black eye and all. The 90s doesn't even know what it missed. Russell - The Black-Eyed SimpsonAug 26, 2017View
4074ArticleVaporman87Mookey sounds like he would actually make a good Pokemon character. I can imagine him and Pikachu hanging out. LOL.Baby Mookey Aug 26, 2017View
4075ArticleVaporman87Brownie and Brownie Junior would likely be great friends with Meowwy Wowwy and his gang. What? You don't know who Meowwy Wowwy is?! He's only the most famous stuffed cat of all time. Has his own TV show and does seasonal specials?! Not ringing a bell? Meowwy will be so disappointed to hear this. LOLThe Adventures of Junior, the World's Greatest Cat DetectiveAug 26, 2017View
4076ArticleVaporman87Blast you Dunkaroos makers! They denied us all a chance to partake in the Pooter craze. Your drive to make Pooter matter in the world is admirable, especially since I can see myself doing all of those same things with various characters of my own creation. It's frustrating when you know how amazing something is, and you just want other people to realize it darn it!!! Perhaps there is still an opportunity for Pooter out there somewhere. Maybe Australia needs a good mascot for their tourist industry literature and media!Oh Pooter!Aug 26, 2017View
4111ArticleVaporman87I was with my wife (then girlfriend) in my work truck, delivering cylinders. We had stopped at a gas station to pick up something to eat. When I returned I heard on the news that a plane had hit the WTC. At first, I thought they meant a small passenger plane. Like some random person might have lost control and hit it. Then the second plane hit and more details emerged. These were not small planes, and it was no accident. The rest of the day I spent listening in on the radio as I worked. Then when I returned to the office I watched the images and was horrified. Like you said, never before had I felt more of a camaraderie with my fellow citizens than the weeks following the attacks. We were a country united under one common cause. Politics, race, social standing... all of that was gone for a brief moment in time. Tragic as it was, there was also beauty. Naturally, that wouldn't last. But it's something I can carry with me forever. Where Were You That September Day?Sep 11, 2017View