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Interview With A 10 Year Old He-Man Fan

Superman Posted on Oct 06, 2018 at 05:17 PM
It's very cool that a kid of today would be into a cartoon from the '80s. That's very rare. I can kind of relate to him, though, because I was hugely into things from my mom's childhood in the '60s that none of my friends knew anything about, most especially the Beach Party movies starring Annette Funicello and Frankie Avalon. This was back in the '90s and early '00s, so things like that just weren't a big enough part of pop culture anymore for my friends to have heard of them.
NLogan Posted on Oct 03, 2018 at 11:48 AM
Yeesh. Confusing indeed! First I have heard of Oo-Lar (what a dumb name). I tell you in 1982 all the mini-comics from Alcala: HE-MAN and the Power Sword, the Battle in the Clouds, King of Castle Grayskull, and The Vengeance of Skeletor were the only backstory we had for HE-MAN. Now you are telling me that the HE-MAN I played with and read about wasn't even the same HE-MAN as Adam from Filmation because some dude retconned it for the current Classics line in 2015 to date. Ludicrous! Anything after 1987 is non-existent to me I care not for whatever backstory they come up with.
Vaporman87 Posted on Oct 02, 2018 at 08:59 PM
Then when they actually produced him in 2009, they changed his story again to be a contemporary of King Grayskull. No wonder it's so confusing.
Vaporman87 Posted on Oct 02, 2018 at 08:55 PM
NLogan: I see what you're saying. Yes, originally that line was going to place He-Ro in the past. Good call. I have apparently allowed that to forever escape my memory. LOL.
However, I never personally counted the mini-comics as "canon" in the MOTU universe because they were all over the place in terms of storylines and characters, with very little consistency (the whole Oo-Larr/Jungle He-Man story comes to mind).
I was drawing on the story that Lou Scheimer was going to tell through the never produced cartoon he was pitching.
Figuring that the cartoon would be developing the characters (of which there would be action figures) if both were ever produced, He-Ro would turn out to be the son (albeit adopted) of King Adam (He-Man).
NLogan Posted on Oct 02, 2018 at 04:44 PM
I guess not mentioned above but pictured is Classics line Laser Light Skeletor, HE-RO, and HE-RO II. He-ro II being the son of HE-MAN. He-ro original being based on this unproduced prototype from 1987:
NLogan Posted on Oct 02, 2018 at 04:17 PM
No no, you are are mistaken my good man. As I said I know next to nothing of said Classics line mythos, I believe you refer to that He-Ro II mentioned by J-Tor in the above article. No my good man I refer to the original He-Ro in the comic I got with my Tyrantisaurus Rex. From Pre-Eternia Eons before HE-MAN was born!

Vaporman87 Posted on Oct 02, 2018 at 03:45 PM
NLogan: Actually the Classics line mythos is what you're referring to. The original He-Ro and "Powers of Grayskull" line was supposed to follow He-Ro as He-Man's son.
NLogan Posted on Oct 02, 2018 at 03:37 PM
Wait, wait wait... first of all nothing is cooler than Castle Grayskull. Take it back Vaporman! Second, isn't He-Ro from Pre-Eternia for the Powers of Grayskull line fighting against Snakemen in sort of a prequel to Masters of the Universe that didn't get fully released? Wouldn't that make him way older and definitely not He-Man son? I am pretty sure he fights with and against dinosaurs and Snakemen in the prehistoric times of Eternia before the great war that left civilization busted, Castle Grayskull abandoned, and the advanced machinery and weapons lost or unused because of knowledge lost; while most are barbarians living in a sort of medieval world. Correct me if I am wrong (I know next to nothing of the classics line and any evolving mythos). Third, that kid is awesome.
Vaporman87 Posted on Sep 29, 2018 at 09:58 PM
Maybe a consolation would be picking up that amazing Snake Mountain. Looks even better than the Castle Grayskull.
Hoju Koolander Posted on Sep 29, 2018 at 04:59 AM
Unfortunately for you, J-TOR is the nicest kid in the universe and won't likely be kicked out of the house any time soon.
Vaporman87 Posted on Sep 29, 2018 at 01:18 AM
Is J-Tor up for adoption? I want to adopt him. Please let me adopt him.
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