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RJ Classics

RetroJunk Classic: The 90s Holiday Trilogy: Thanksgiving

Well the trick or treating has been done and the costumes are gone for another year and as the ghouls and skeletons go away. They are replaced with the smells of spice, Turkey and apple and pumpkin pies. It's Thanksgiving everyone. Time for food, fun, and family. In honor of this holiday we will be looking at a few traditions of this day of the turkey.

Macy's Thanksgiving Parade

One of the few reasons to get up early in the morning and also one of the best. Probably on everyone's agenda for Thanksgiving is getting up early and watching the Parade while eating a bowl of cereal. You usually can tell it'll be a good Thanksgiving day after seeing it. The giant balloons, the floats, and the performances all leading up to Santa and the start of the Christmas season equate to a tradition that almost everyone has enjoyed since they were kids.

Movie Marathons

We all have those days when it's raining and all you want to do is curl up in a blanket and watch movies all day. On Thanksgiving you get to do that, but with family. All on the couch watching movies after the parade has ended and dinner is still in the oven. Whether it's watching a bad movie to make fun of, watching a classic movie, or something to get you in the mood for Christmas, it's all about having fun with family and friends

TV Specials

Like any holiday, there is always a TV special of some kind. Whether it's a special episode of a show or a TV movie. Thanksgiving is no different. The most popular seems to be A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. There are special events that happen as well, such as the dog show right after the parade, and football.

Family Gatherings

The main theme of Thanksgiving is to be thankful for what you have. Most of the time what people are thankful for is family. So when Thanksgiving rolls around you usually have family members from all over come together to catch up, eat a good meal, and have a good time remembering the past. Some you miss seeing... others not so much. Regardless, it's a fun time to be had.

Thanksgiving Dinner

Well the family is all here and the food is ready and on the table. This is what everyone has been waiting all day for. Snacking until the big meal and now the time has come to feast on turkey and all the trimmings. Creamy mashed potatoes made with milk and topped with butter and a bit of salt and pepper, fluffy stuffing right off the stove, turkey right out of the oven with crisp brown skin and moist meat (Though usually it's the consistency of cardboard), green beans soaked in butter, and to finish it off a nice slice of apple (or pumpkin) pie with whipped cream and a scoop of ice cream.

Decorate the Christmas tree

This is a tradition that is in my own family and probably a lot of others. After dinner is made and eaten, the Christmas Tree would be decorated for the upcoming Christmas holiday. It is the last part of the day that brings the family together.

With that we conclude part 2 of our Holiday Trilogy. Join me next month for the final part of this Trilogy, where I look at the holiday that feels like it comes sooner and sooner each year. So enjoy your turkey dinner and leftovers and Happy Thanksgiving.

Until then, Live Life and Live Nostalgic.

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Superman Posted on Nov 16, 2018 at 12:30 AM

This is a great look at what makes Thanksgiving a wonderful holiday.

retroboy Posted on Nov 03, 2018 at 05:38 PM

I miss the 90's

Vaporman87 Posted on Nov 01, 2018 at 05:34 PM


This really does a great job of setting the mood for the month. Thanks for bringing this classic back from the RJ graveyard and giving it new life here.

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