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Forum » Retro Video Games » Super Mario Bros.
Someone just set a new speed record for Super Mario Bros. What a loser. I could have beat the old record by 1/5th of a second AT LEAST! 

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4 minutes and 57 seconds? That's actually not that far off from the time I could beat the game, and that's with the original hardware.
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Sweet blue. I'm guessing my best time was actually closer to 4 weeks and 57 hours.
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at first i thought the pirahna plant disappearing at 4:24 was caused by some kind of hack, but then i remembered it was supposed to do that...
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3DS Friend Code: 4124-6332-4341
Name: Benji
Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
Mr Magic
Okay, how did that second Piranha Plant not get Mario?
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"Magic can happen to you."

I love this.

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It would seem like a good way to save time would be by trying not to accumulate too many points as you have to wait for them to be tallied at the end of the level.
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shakin steak
thecrow174 wrote :

Okay, how did that second Piranha Plant not get Mario?
-end quote
Exploiting hitboxes. Here is an explanation.
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