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Forum » Chew The Fat » DigiChars
As I mentioned yesterday, the DigiChars site I've been working on is coming together.

Still missing is the biggest draw of all... the online "board" game that will allow users to pit their DigiChars against other users'. It'll be sort of like mixing Monopoly with Yu-Gi-Oh or other battle games.

Here you will find the Instruction Manual for the game. It gives a lot of detail as to how the game will work.

And a look here will give you an idea of the look of the game as it's being played.

While things are still coming together, you can autologin/autoregister here and then click on the "DigiChars" link up top, then click on "Custom DigiChars" to find out how to get your own custom DigiChar made.

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This site kind of reminds me of NeoPets from what I've seen of it.
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Yeah, there are a number of "virtual pet" or "digital pet" sites out there. This site borrows from those, while keeping a unique identity with the characters and online board game.
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Just working on some new ones for my collection.

Borigraud Pulvor

Pulvor is an Elricborn DigiChar with a penchant for violence and
destruction. Born in the lakeside community of Zor, He made a meager
living alongside his father in the market trade. One day, while selling
their wares along the path between Zor and Meylour, a group of bandits
slayed his father and took him captive. The leader of the group of
bandits took Pulvor under his wing, and taught him the art of banditry.
What this man did not realize, was that Pulvor was secretly plotting his
revenge against him, and sought to take the helm as leader of the
bandits. One evening as they all slept, Pulvor awakened his mentor, and
challenged him for leadership of the group. After a fierce battle,
Pulvor was severely wounded, and near death. In the midst of gloating
about his victory, the bandit leader turned his back to Pulvor, who then
rushed him... shoving him over the edge of a cliff. Pulvor awakened the
rest of the group, claiming he had been victorious in battle against
his mentor, and was now leader. Believing his story, the bandit group
took Pulvor to Ravenholt for medical attention. There he was fitted with
mechanical parts to replace those that had been mutilated in battle.
His appearance now makes him all the more intimidating, and few dare to
challenge his leadership at Bandit Cove.

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Moudy has been at work creating the online board game for DigiChars.

I think (once the game is running) we should have some type of tournament and such. Could be fun! And remember, your personal custom DigiChar can be decorated as ANYTHING. If you want one that looks like Sonic The Hedgehog, I don't care (though it'll probably be a funny looking Sonic on that body base).

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