You will
never be
Bah Humbug!


MTV: The 90's


Forum » Chew The Fat » Goodbye Jay
Jay Leno filmed his final show for The Tonight Show. He's been there 22 years (which doesn't seem possible to me, clearly remembering the fiasco that was happening following Carson's exit).

Like many of those adding comments at The Blaze on his departure, I can't imagine Jimmy Fallon being able to retain Leno's audience. He's just not that good, and his style of humor is not that of what Leno's audience is used to.

I see a jump in Conan's ratings coming.

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Mr Magic

"Leno brought his show full circle with Billy Crystal, who was his first guest in May 1992 and his last guest Thursday."


It's pretty incredible how Billy was his first and last guest.


Happy retirement, chin man!

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"Magic can happen to you."

farewell crimson chin
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Mr Magic
^ "Justice, thy name is Chin!"
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"Magic can happen to you."

Wait. Didn't he quit awhile back, have a similar show then went back to the Tonight Show?
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vkimo wrote :

Wait. Didn't he quit awhile back, have a similar show then went back to the Tonight Show?
-end quote

Yup. And apparently some of the guests joked about that in song, referring to how if Jimmy Fallon doesn't do well, Jay will be back the next week.
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I thought Conan would have resumed the role but he's probably still upset about last time. 
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Mr Magic
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"Magic can happen to you."

shakin steak
Good riddance.  He was horribly unfunny. 

I don't care about Fallon either way.  I remember he was alright on SNL; know nothing about him otherwise.
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Mr Magic
Does this mean no more "Headlines"?
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"Magic can happen to you."

I like Fallon and his excessive giggling. The one thing I really enjoyed Leno in was Americathon. 
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