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Forum » Take Heed! - Announcements » RetroDaze's Old School Apps addition
Very soon, our newest addition to the site will be up and running without any bugs. That addition will be called "RetroDaze's Old School Apps". In this section, you will be able to enjoy lots of retrogaming goodness. There is a large selection of NES games that will be playable within a Java applet. There is a an emulator and game download section, informational section, and a blog section. You can check out this newest addition by going HERE.

Be aware - the arcade section is not yet functional. The vNES program is not yet working with the Java applet. Once this is fixed, the section will be added to the site "officially" and will be accessible via a link in the navigation box like the others. 

Quote Disable Sigs

You love this signature.
Is that legal?
Quote Disable Sigs
Mr Magic
You guys are just going all-out, aren't you?
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

when i was playing nes games on that one other retro site, they ran just a tad slow. is there a way around that?
Quote Disable Sigs

3DS Friend Code: 4124-6332-4341
Name: Benji
Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
vkimo wrote :

Is that legal?
-end quote
Well... to be honest... I didn't give that thought when I got involved with picking up the site. I ignorantly assumed there was no legal issue since it was being sold via a reputable source.

After beginning my "tinkering" with it to shape it into something that would mesh with the rest of the site, THEN I learned that, indeed, abandonware is NOT legal.

That being the case, I am not sure where to go with it from here. What say you members?

Quote Disable Sigs
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Hmm, maybe nothing will happen. If the site gets more popular though, you might get in trouble. I see Nintendo emulator apps on the Google Play Store though and those can't be legal!

Not to mention a quick search reveals several .COM domain sites with playable NES games. I'm pretty certain Nintendo doesn't endorse them yet they're still up. Just run with it and if they say shut it down, then go from there.
Quote Disable Sigs
Mr Magic
Some of the commercials and trailers that were uploaded on Retrojunk are gone now. Legal reasons? I would hate for this site to suffer legal problems.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

As would I crow. Perhaps the best route to take is to keep the "Old School Apps" section a "secret" between just we members. There will be no link to the page available to access it. It will just be attached to the site, only accessible if you use that address above (that the link refers to).
Quote Disable Sigs
You love this signature.
When it comes to commercials you usually are safe if they are old. So I don't think it'll be an issue for the commercials

Quote Disable Sigs
The commercials shouldn't be an issue at all, you're advertising for free!
Quote Disable Sigs
Vaporman87 wrote :

Very soon, our newest addition to the site will be up and running without any bugs. That addition will be called "RetroDaze's Old School Apps". In this section, you will be able to enjoy lots of retrogaming goodness. There is a large selection of NES games that will be playable within a Java applet. There is a an emulator and game download section, informational section, and a blog section. You can check out this newest addition by going HERE.

Be aware - the arcade section is not yet functional. The vNES program is not yet working with the Java applet. Once this is fixed, the section will be added to the site "officially" and will be accessible via a link in the navigation box like the others. 
-end quote
The link was broken. Fixed.
Quote Disable Sigs