Castles of Yesteryear


A Yuletide Yakking


Forum » Retro T.V. & Movies » Oliver and Company

Who else saw this when it first came out in theaters 24 years ago? i did when i was 6 4 times and loved it, i even had some of the merchandise like my first CD soundtrack which i still own to this day, stuffed Oliver, Mcdonalds toys/ornaments, 2 t-shirts, PJs, junior novel, glass with Oliver and Dodger on it, coloring books, readalong with cassette and all that.

I was disappointed it never showed up on video the next year as i wanted it and i had to wait a long time for it come on video, it came back in theaters when i was 14 and got the movie for Xmas that year.

One of my favorite Disney animated movies.

i was still an infant at the time of its release, but i would watch it on the disney channel when it still had its original programming of disney cartoons and shows. it's certainly an interesting take on a new style of oliver twist
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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
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I must admit, I have never seen this film. After watching some of the trailers that Caps uploaded though, my interest is piqued.
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I can't wait to upgrade my old DVD for the blu-ray this summer, Disney has done superb picture quality and sound for their blu-rays lately and this should be no exception.

Who thinks Sykes looks like Clarence from Robocop?
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