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Forum » Chew The Fat » FXX will air Simpsons reruns
Mr Magic
"Magic can happen to you."

Score for them. That in itself will win them plenty of viewers.
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shakin steak
I don't understand the big deal about this.  It's a "win", FXX "acquired" the show, there was "a vigorous bidding war" (but they won't discuss financial terms), it's a reversal of the previous position...the cable channel is owned by Fox!  How do you sell something to yourself?
Quote Disable Sigs
Mr Magic
FX used to air King of the Hill reruns awhile back, but took them off. I hope the Simpsons reruns don't suffer the same fate.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

As I mentioned in that other thread, The Simpsons airing on FXX is a big deal because it's the first time the show is ever being shown on cable TV. The original syndication deal that started in 1994 stated that The Simpsons won't air on cable until after the show ended. But with the show still being on the air with, unfortunately, no sign of ending anytime soon, then it would seem logical to anull the whole contract of not airing on cable. Otherwise, The Simpsons would have started airing on TBS, Adult Swim, FX, and other networks a LONG time ago.

What I'm most looking forward to about this is to see where it goes with online streaming. It seems that they're FINALLY going to offer every single episode through a subscription based service. Yes, I know it's from FX's own subscription service and not through something like Netflix, but hey, it's a start.
Quote Disable Sigs
shakin steak
blueluigi wrote :

As I mentioned in that other thread, The Simpsons airing on FXX is a big deal because it's the first time the show is ever being shown on cable TV.
-end quote

I get that, but it's cable TV owned by Fox.  It didn't even exist in 1994.  If it did, no way that clause would have been in the contract.  Fox just cared about exclusivity. In the early 90s they knew they had a rocket to the top in The Simpsons, and they were determined to ride it.

Still, I doubt Adult Swim and TBS could get the show back then even barring the "no cable" policy. After all, until very recently you could only see syndicated episodes on Fox; but now in certain areas other OTA channels have them (WB, UPN).

I don't get how the show was "sold" to FXX. That's like me buying a slice of pizza from myself. If I pay myself a thousand dollars, of course no one else is going to outbid me.
Quote Disable Sigs
Mr Magic
I take it that a plan for a Simpsons channel no longer exists.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

shakin steak wrote :

After all, until very recently you could only see syndicated episodes on Fox; but now in certain areas other OTA channels have them (WB, UPN).

-end quote

The Simpsons has always been syndicated in affiliates outside of Fox. Where I live, it's been on KBCW (formerly, KBHK, a UPN affiliate which is now a CW affiliate) for as long as I can remember. I'm pretty sure it's been on that network since the original syndication deal. Though, I believe it shows up on a lot of Fox affiliates because of how it's the main network that airs the Simpsons. Much like how my local WB affiliate used to air 7th Heaven reruns even though it's from the main network
Quote Disable Sigs
shakin steak
Huh, OK I didn't know that.  Of the five different areas I've lived in, I have never seen The Simpsons on any channel but Fox.  Only a few months ago it started showing up on the UPN channel here...
Quote Disable Sigs